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I've been trying not to think about her so much. Ever since Louis' warning to me about the nature of Rochelle and I's relationship, or his suspicions of us even having one that he clearly sees as inappropriate, I've been trying my best to stop thinking about her. Trying being the operative word.

I know that it's wrong, obviously I know that. I shouldn't have even entertained the idea of Rochelle and I, in fact I never should've allowed us to form any type of relationship other than a professional, platonic one. Usually I would never do something like this. I've always been a professional, a rule follower, someone who stays firmly inside the lines. I was comfortable like that. But then Rochelle shows up, with her complete disregard for authority, her flirty remarks, her sarcastic quips, and those deep brown eyes that somehow remind me of the carefree person I used to be, instead of the uptight person I've become over the years. Somehow, when I'm with her, she makes me feel like me again.

But I shouldn't admit that, or even think about it, because like I said, I'm trying not to think about her.

However, as soon as I see her the next morning, I know that I'm only fooling myself. As I walk into the warehouse above the institute where all the trainees for today's mission are gathered, my eyes immediately find her. It's irritating how much I can't stop myself looking at her, taking in the way her body looks in the protective outfit reserved for missions. Although a skintight black shirt, cargo pants, a utility jacket and matching boots would just look bland on everybody else, she manages to pull it off with her usual air of sexiness and confidence. The outfit isn't the most flattering, but the tight material of the shirt clasps around her curves, nipping in her waist, while her ass remains firm and round, the pants hugging her behind in a way that causes my tongue to swipe along my bottom lip hungrily.

My eyes remain on her as I walk over to Niamh, who'll be the trainer accompanying me on this mission. She greets me and then hands me everything I'll need for today, talking to me quietly as I pull on my jacket and slip my gun somewhere on my body. I nod along with her words, but I'm only half listening, still a little distracted as I watch Rochelle laughing about something with Niall and Zayn. It's at this moment that she finally glances over to me, our gazes locking for a few seconds, and when she shoots me a small smile, my heart pathetically skips a beat.

Tearing my gaze away, I quickly shake my head to rid my mind of the thoughts of her. I really can't afford to be distracted today. I turn back to Niamh, giving her a nod before she begins to round up the group of trainees, giving them their instructions for today. My eyes slide over to Rochelle again but she's not looking at me, her whole demeanour entirely focused and determined as she intently listens to what Niamh is saying.

Once she's done, the trainees all follow us outside to where a large black van is parked. I slide open the door, the six trainees and Niamh filing in before I climb in myself, pulling the door shut behind me again. I take a seat on one of the benches in the back of the van, scanning my eyes over the excited trainees before clearing my throat to get their attention.

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