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A.N. this gif goes so well with this chapter hahahaha you'll see


As expected, my few minutes of resting my eyes turns into a 30 minute nap, but after I wake up, I manage to drag myself into the shower. It thankfully has hot water so I speedily wash my body before it runs out, and then get changed into some other clothes that the institute has provided me with, obviously all black, once again.

I pull on another black shirt they've given me, but I still have the clothes I came here with so I pull my leather leggings back on, slipping my feet back into my heeled boots so the outfit doesn't look too plain. It's not the best outfit, but it's all I really have. Standing in front of the mirror, I yank my hair out of the ponytail it's been in all day, using the new hairbrush I found in the drawer to brush out the tangles. My scalp is hurting a little from the ponytail, so I decide to give my hair a break and leave it down, letting the long dark strands cascade down my back, slightly curled at the ends from getting wet in the shower.

Once I'm done getting ready, I leave my room and lock the door behind me, heading back into the elevator to go up to the fifth floor. If I'm being honest, all I want to do is just curl up in bed and go to sleep instead of meeting up with everyone, but I know I can't do that. I need to fit in with everyone, I need to appear like another trainee, so that means I have to do all the same things they do.

The hallways are empty as I walk through them, the only sound coming from the clicking of my heels against the floor. I really missed that sound. As I walk past the cafeteria during my journey, I cast a aimless glance through the windows in the double doors, surprised to see Harry of all people sat in there alone. I come to a halt as I peer in, finding him sat with his back to me. His body is hunched over the table, elbows resting against it and large biceps strained under the sleeves of his black shirt, tattoos poking out. I can see that he has food in front of him but from his movements, or lack there of, it doesn't seem like he's bothering to eat any of it.

Thinking that this is a perfect opportunity to find out some information, I find myself pushing open the double doors and walking into the cafeteria, the doors swinging shut behind me. Obviously, Harry can't see it's me and he pays no mind to whoever it is that he thinks just walked in, probably thinking they'll leave soon. Trying to be as casual as I can, I saunter over to the fridge and grab a bottle of water from it, unscrewing it to take a sip before heading over to the table where Harry is sat, slowly making my way around it. His hands are clasped in front of him, fingers mindlessly fiddling with some of the rings that decorate them, his jaw set and pale green eyes seemingly staring at nothing in particular, lost in thought. That is until he notices me, of course.

His eyes flicker upwards at the sound of a chair scraping back, watching as I take a seat directly opposite him. He blankly stares back at me, not looking happy nor annoyed that I've invited myself to sit at his table, just simply staring. I have to fight off a smirk, somehow finding myself entertained by his stare as I cross one leg over the other beneath the table.

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