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Apologies for the delayed update, as always I've been busy with uni, uni work and overall life tbh. Just a quick reminder to any of you that haven't read my story Lovelorn yet, it's basically completed now, I just need to update an epilogue which will (hopefully) be going up soon! So go take a read of that if you like reading completed stories

As for this story, remember to vote & leave a few comments, and I hope you enjoy🖤


My sleep is interrupted by a quiet knock at the door, which is a bit confusing seeing as I'm currently in my room on the trainee living floor, and all the trainees agreed to never interrupt each other when we're sleeping, especially because sleep is such a rare luxury for us these days.

Blinking through the darkness, I sit up in bed and listen carefully to make sure I wasn't dreaming it, but then I hear the same knock again a few seconds later. With a yawn and a slightly annoyed huff, I push off the covers and climb out of bed, sleepily padding over to the door. When I pull it open, the shock of seeing Harry stood on the other side is almost enough to fully wake me up.

Before either of us can say anything, he pushes his way into the room and gently closes the door behind him. Seeing as I'm still half asleep and a little dazed, the only thing I can think of saying is, "Hi."

He chuckles softly, seeming to find my drowsy state amusing. "Hi," he whispers back, taking a few steps closer to me. "Did I scare you? I didn't mean to."

"No, you just...What time is it?" I ask with a yawn, rubbing one of my tired eyes with the back of my fingers.

"About five."

"Ok," I mumble, feeling my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Why are you here?"

"Because we're leaving for the mission at half six, and I thought I'd come say bye before we leave," he tells me, eyeing me up and down with an amused look. "Although maybe that wasn't the best idea seeing as you're practically falling asleep stood up right now."

"No,'s cute. Come sit down." I grab his arm and pull him over to sit on the bed with me, mostly because he's right and I am in fact almost falling asleep while stood up. He's clearly well aware of this by the smirk I notice pulling at his lips, but he joins me on the bed anyway.

When my heavy eyes begin to flutter closed, he laughs again, shaking his head at me in disbelief. "God, you're cute when you're half asleep."

"I'm not half asleep, I'm fully coherent," I argue back between another yawn. "Just give me a minute."

"Alright," he laughs. "Maybe it's good that you're not going on this mission after all, because you definitely wouldn't be prepared for it."

"Yeah, I don't really care about not going anymore. It's way too early for me," I agree, and then because of my sleepy and dazed state making me say things I never usually would, I hear myself mumble, "I'm going to miss you though."

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