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Once I've snapped myself back to reality after realising that I almost just bumped into my own target, I glance up to find that his gaze is also stuck on me. He's scanning over my body, seeming confused as he notices I'm wearing the exact same outfit as the other trainees. He eventually brings his gaze back to me, studying my face a few moments longer before he finally speaks.

"You're late," he announces, his words coming out in a slow-paced, deep rasp.

"Oh. Am I?" I ask sweetly, titling my head to the side as I peer up at him. He doesn't react much though, simply blinking at me in reply, no emotion whatsoever. "Well, in my defence, I did only arrive here about an hour ago."

This seems to capture his attention, a frown taking over his face. "You're new?" he asks and when I nod, his frown deepens. "What's your name?"

"Rochelle," I reply, and after he shoots me a stern look for not revealing my full name, I let out a sigh, adding "Costello."

He lifts his chin slightly, eyeing me cautiously. "Well, Miss Costello," he says, and I can't help but notice how nice my name sounds rolling off his tongue like that. "I happen to not care if you're new or not, because you're still late. Ten minutes, in fact. And any lateness, by any amount of time, will result in a punishment."

I notice he's taken a few steps closer to me, slightly leaning over me in an attempt to be intimidating, but I remain unphased and unbothered. I've had enough experience with these self-proclaimed alpha male types to not be scared off so easily.

"Do you have the authority to give out punishments?" I ask in a calm, sweet voice, my eye contact never straying from his.

His glare hardens at my words, seeming pissed off that I'm challenging him, obviously not used to it. "Yes, I do have the authority actually," he snaps at me. "I'm one of the trainers here. I am your superior, so that means I'm in charge of you, whoever you are."

"I don't think so," I scoff. I know I probably shouldn't be pressing him like this, but I can't help it. I've never been good with authority, and besides, he looks even hotter when he's mad.

He doesn't look impressed with my response, nostrils flaring in anger as he stares down at me. "Excuse me?"

"You're not in charge of me," I remind him firmly, honestly. "You may be my 'superior', but that doesn't mean you can give me orders like I'm some kind of dog. Also, if you are a trainer here, you must know that I'm new, and so you must agree with me that it's unfair to punish me for rules that I have no knowledge about." His eyes are practically black holes now, darkened with anger as he glares at me so intensely that I can practically feel it burning through me, but even still, I don't remove my gaze from his. "So you can give me that punishment all you want, but I will not be doing it. And if you have a problem with that, I suggest you go take it up with Anton."

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