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A.N. y'all wanted jealous Harry.....and I like to give the people what they want

also ik this chapter is quite short but I'll probably update again in a few days. Enjoy x


A yawn escapes my lips as I stand against the wall, both from the boredom of overseeing training practice and from not getting much sleep last night, although that isn't very unusual for me. I spent the night tossing and turning, my peace of mind stolen by chaotic thoughts that I attempt to suppress in the light of day, but ones which I know are still there nevertheless.

Insomnia has never been a stranger to me, in fact it's become more of a close acquaintance as time has gone on and I've experienced more of life. I can usually only sleep when I'm completely exhausted, when my body has reached its breaking point and physically can't go on without some kind of restoration, but that doesn't happen very often.

Some nights, my mind is quieter than on others, and I often manage three hours rest on those days, maybe four if I'm lucky. Any longer and I'm startled awake as if a gunshot had just sounded, heart racing and breathing heavily as all my memories come back in a flood, only to drift away a few minutes later and leave me in bed staring at the ceiling until it's an acceptable hour to get up.

Blinking to snap myself back to reality and refocus my vision on what's actually happening in front of me, I turn my attention back to the sight of countless knives whizzing through the air and jamming into targets as the trainees practice their knife throwing skills. From the murmurs I've overheard I know that many of them are eager to get their hands on a gun and practice their shooting aim, but judging by the mixed look of their targets, it seems that'll be a privilege given to some trainees and not others.

My gaze is snapped over to the midpoint of the line of trainees when I suddenly hear a loud laugh, discovering it came from Rochelle once my eyes land on her. She's stood beside Liam's station as they both throw knives into their respective targets, although they seem more focused on their conversation than actual training. A conservation that must be humorous judging by the smile on both their faces and the continuous laughter that soon becomes rather irritating.

Ripping my gaze away, I survey some of the other trainees to watch how they're doing, and when I eventually look back in that direction, I find that Liam is now stood right beside Rochelle. For some unknown reason, I find myself watching them closely, Rochelle throwing a knife that just misses the centre of the target, causing Liam to laugh and shake his head at her. I feel my eyebrows furrow when his arm slings around her waist, slightly pulling her up against his chest as he twists her body into a better position. The smile on her face widens while my own eyes narrow as I continue to watch, Liam's hand running along her arm as she raises it to throw the knife, which jams right into the bullseye of the target this time. Liam leans closer to murmur something to her, making her laugh softly again.

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