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I hope you guys are liking the story so far. Please leave some comments on what you think so far, I'd really appreciate any feedback you have. Let me know what you think will happen, what you want to happen, and any opinions on the (few) characters so far. Enjoy x


"Fucking finally," I huff once I'm finally let out of the car, stumbling a little as my heels sink into the grassy mud. I tut in annoyance at the splatters of dirt already covering my boots, bringing my hand up to shield my squinting eyes from the beaming sun up above, trying to see past it to figure out where I am. Once I fail at this, I spin back around to face the two guys who brought me here, shooting them curious looks. "Where are we?"

Michael, one of the guys from the EEI who helped transport me here, turns to me and simply replies "Europe."

"Well yeah, but where exactly on a map?"

He glances over at the other guy, who I learned is called Dominic during the journey here. Both of them seem to share an amused look, looking like it's at my expense which I don't particularly like very much. When I sigh at them impatiently, Michael's gaze returns to mine, and I shoot him an unimpressed look.

"That's the thing," he says. "This place doesn't exist on a map."

I furrow my eyebrows, pretending to be confused. "What, is it like some sort of secret base or something?" I ask, even though I already know the answer to that. When he doesn't reply straight away, I nod in understanding. "Ah, it is. Got it. Cool."

He just stares back at me, studying my face for a few moments before snapping back to reality and walking off ahead of me. "Come on, we better get going. The director is waiting for you, and you're already late."

"That's not my fault, you guys took forever to drive here," I retort as I begin to follow after him, Dominic walking next to me. "How long did it take anyway?"

"A few hours," Michael responds from ahead.

"A few hours?" I repeat, my eyes widening at this information. "Well, I'm going to need some food ASAP."

Dominic glances over at me, eyebrows furrowed. "But you already ate earlier."

"Yes, but I'm a growing girl, Dom," I snap at him, his eyebrows raising at the nickname I've given him. He doesn't look very happy with it, but I don't really care. "It's imperative that I am fed every couple of hours, or else who knows what havoc I may cause?"

"They'll be time to eat later," Michael informs me. "After you've met with the director."

"Great. Let's go then," I say, confidently storming ahead of them both even though I have no idea where I'm going, but that's not going to stop me.

I follow them through what feels like miles and miles of grass and mud, swearing under my breath as I watch my new boots get more ruined by mud every passing second. We eventually reach what seems to be nothing more than a large, empty warehouse, mostly full of wooden crates staked on top of each other and random scrap pieces metal in different piles spread out everywhere. When I feel a droplet of water land on my forehead, I immediately snap my gaze upwards, noticing the ceiling is lined with dozens of long rusty pipes, all of them seeming to be leaking from someplace or another.

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