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please comment & vote!! I'm v excited about this story & got lots of requests to rewrite another action type one, so remember to be an active reader. engagement really helps & often means more updates/ more regular updates

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I don't like people questioning my authority.

In fact, it's probably one of the things that I dislike the most. So I especially don't like it when some girl, a girl who I've never seen before in my life, barges right into me and immediately disrespects me within a few seconds of opening her mouth. I don't like that at all.

Another thing I don't like, is not knowing about things that go on here. I'm a superior, I'm in charge of the trainees, I know every single one of them, but I definitely don't know who the fuck that girl is. She was wearing the trainee uniform, but she can't be a new trainee, because there aren't ever new trainees. Our recruits are vetted throughly, they sign up to the institute and then they begin the training program which started exactly a week ago today. There are no latecomers, there are no 'new' trainees that show up out of the blue, that just doesn't happen. But it did today. And I'm going to find out why.

As I storm down the hallway towards the elevator, I reach up tug my bandana out of my hair. I rake my hand through my messy curls in an attempt to tame it, using the other hand to shove the discarded bandana into the pocket of my jeans. The hallway is empty as everyone is either somewhere training or doing other activities, making the sound of my boots slapping against the hard floor the only noise I can hear.

That is until Louis suddenly rounds the corner from further down the hall, his loud voice immediately ruining the peaceful silence. "Hey, man!" he greets me happily as we both pass each other, but I don't bother to stop, walking straight past him. "Where are you storming off to?"


"Alright, whatever," he says, not seeming too bothered about where it is I'm headed anyway. I think he's walked off too when I suddenly hear his voice calling out behind me again. "Hey, are we still on for that Xbox marathon with Elias later?"

"No," I respond snappily without a second thought, annoyed that he's still talking to me. But after I think about it a little more, I pause, sighing before adding "Yes. Later."

I hear him make a victorious 'yes' sound from behind me, but I choose to just ignore it, continuing on my path to the elevator. Once inside, I punch the button to the very bottom floor, where the director of the institute's, Anton, office is. When the doors slide open again and I begin to trudge down the dark hallways, I realise that I haven't been down here in a long time. That's partly because I find this floor creepy as fuck and also because I've never really had a reason to go to Anton's office, but today I think I do.

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