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A.N. Pls remember to be an active reader & leave votes/comments. I don't have as much time to write now so when I do, I would really appreciate some more engagement on the chapters as it would motivate me to write more and reassure me that I'm not wasting my time lmao


When I wake up the next morning, I'm a little surprised to find Rochelle in my bed, sleeping beside me. That is until I remember her drunk, clumsy ass showing up here last night, and I remember that I was nice enough to let her sleep in my bed. I know I probably should've just let her sleep on my couch like she wanted, in fact that would've been the most appropriate option, but I also know what could've happened if I left her to sleep alone. The safest option was to put her in my bed so I could check on her during the night. I'm not a complete asshole.

My eyes slowly gaze over where she's now tangled up in my sheets, laying on her side with one leg poking out of the duvet. Her long, dark hair is spread out across the pillow, messy and dishevelled, her cheeks tinged rosy from sleep and her plump lips slightly parted, a look of tranquility plastered across her pretty face. The thought that she's the most beautiful girl I've ever had in my bed crosses my mind before I can even stop it.

She begins to stir after a while, groaning softly as she pulls herself out of her slumber, slowly regaining consciousness. Her brown eyes flicker open soon afterwards, and for a moment a look of surprise flashes in them as she realises where she is. I expect her to freak out or maybe jump out of my bed in a panic, but she just sighs quietly instead, seeming to just be accepting the situation. That, or her hangover is so bad that she doesn't have the strength to move.

Eventually, her eyes move upwards to meet mine, one of her eyebrows raising an inch as she looks at me. "I really showed up here last night?" she asks as if to make sure there's not another reason, the look on her face indicating she doesn't really want to believe it.

"Yeah, you did," I confirm, clearing my throat in an attempt to clear the gruffness and rasp in my morning voice. "You don't remember?"

She pauses, her eyebrows furrowing as she thinks hard. "Uh....I think I remember getting in the elevator, but I don't remember much after that." She bites her lip as she looks up at me, a worried expression taking over her face as she rubs her head that I'm sure is pounding now. "Did I do anything bad?"

Pulling myself up to rest on my elbow, I struggle to fight off the lazy grin tugging at my lips. "Not really, you surprisingly managed to control yourself around me," I tease, making her roll her eyes. "You just wanted to dance."

"Mmm. Sounds like me," she agrees with a nod, burying her head back into one of my fluffy pillows as her cute brown eyes blink up at me sleepily. "What time is it? Is it late?"

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