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A.N. Pls go follow the twitter acc I made for my writing and all my wattpad stuff, I'll be following u guys back on there! The name is: @lonelyarix

As always, remember to be an active reader & leave your feedback on the chapters, it all helps me a lot when writing!

Also, this chapter contains some Russian and as I don't speak that language, I had to use google translate. Some of it will probably be wrong, so don't hesitate to correct it so I can edit and fix it


The first thing I feel when I wake up is warmth. My eyes flicker open to find Rochelle curled up against me, still peacefully fast asleep with my arms wrapped around her, holding her close to me even in sleep. When I glance down, I find that my coat is now covering the majority of her body instead of mine, her hands tucked under her chin with the fabric clutched between her fingers. Our legs are tangled together, our bodies a mess of limbs and warm skin, and even though I know I should pull away, I find myself not wanting to separate from the comfort that her closeness provides.

It takes a while for my eyes to adjust to the morning light, the sunlight streaming through the curtains softening the edges of the room, but not doing much to make it look more appealing. I raise my eyebrows as I notice more bullet holes and cracks in the walls that I hadn't even seen last night, finding it hard to believe that we actually slept here. Especially because Rochelle can be a bit prissy when it comes to this stuff.

A small sigh falls from my lips as I lay my head back down against the pillow, staring up at the ceiling as I think about last night. I'd be lying if I said that Rochelle's confession last night didn't make me happy. Even though it wasn't nice to hear her admit she's never felt safe before and all the precautions she's had to take throughout her life, it was fairly heartwarming to know that I somehow bring her some sense of safety. We do argue a lot, she gets under my skin and can piss me off in a way no one else can, and despite our rather complicated relationship, I'll admit that I've grown to care for her over the past few months. Sometimes it feels like she has some kind of hold over me, some strange magnetism that continuously pulls me to her. Whatever it is, I'm beginning to think it's only growing stronger by the day.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by Rochelle shifting beside me, her breath hitching and her muscles tensing as she begins to wake up. Much to my surprise, she doesn't move away from me, letting out a soft groan as she pulls the fabric of my coat further up her chin. "Why is it still so cold?" she murmurs without even opening her eyes, a cute frown taking over her soft features.

My lips curve into a small smile, both from her words and her expression. "It's not that cold anymore. Not as bad as last night."

"No, it still feels like bloody Antarctica in here," she mumbles, snuggling her body even further into mine for the added warmth.

"You know, I'm surprised that you're still voluntarily this close to me," I remark truthfully, having thought that she would've moved away from me during the night, or as soon as she woke up. "Especially because you were quite pissed off with me yesterday."

"Yeah, well, you may be annoying, but you're also warm," she states, her head now laying on my bicep as she continues to shift closer to me.

"Oh, so you're just taking advantage of me?"

"Yep," she replies simply, making me chuckle at her quick answer. "But at least you know."

I just smile and shake my head in amusement, not really minding it that much. And how could I, when she's snuggled up so close to me that I can practically feel her heartbeat, and I can smell the sweet, familiar scent of vanilla that's just so uniquely her? Not to mention, she's so close to me she's practically on top of me, and I'd be a liar if I said I wasn't enjoying that part too.

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