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The comments & votes have been going down again recently, so pls be an active reader! Every vote and comment is more motivation to write, and all feedback is appreciated! 🖤


I let out a deep breath of relief, feeling my shoulders sag as all the built up tension and fear expels from my body all at once. "It's done," I breathe out shakily, removing my hands from the now disarmed bomb. "We did it."

I turn to face Louis, who looks just as relieved as I do. Glancing down at the phone he's holding, he frowns when he notices the screen is black at the same time I do, aimlessly tapping his finger against the screen as if that'll help. "Why isn't the stupid thing working?" he asks. "The signal must have cut out again."

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows, snatching the phone from him and attempting to get the video chat back, but it doesn't work. After trying a few more times, I swear under my breath before angrily tossing the phone across the car. "For fuck's sake. Now Rochelle doesn't even know if I disarmed the bomb or if we all just turned into pink mist."

Louis grimaces at my choice of words, retrieving the phone from where it landed down the side of the car. "Can you not put that idea into my head?" he mutters. "We don't need to think about what could've happened. The stupid bomb is disarmed, and we're alive."

"Yeah, thanks to Rochelle," I remind him, arching an eyebrow. "We wouldn't have been able to disarm it without her help. Do you think you could maybe hate her a bit less now?"

Louis just rolls his eyes, not bothering to reply as we both gather up our stuff and climb out of the car. I find myself faintly annoyed at his lack of response, because you'd think that Rochelle helping to save all of our lives would cause him to reevaluate his dislike for her. I decide to just get over it though, because I guess I can't really force him to change his view on her just like that. Part of me wishes he would though, because I personally don't think she's done anything to deserve his relatively low opinion of her.

Pushing it out of my mind for now, I follow Louis over to the black van where the trainees have been huddled while we were disarming the bomb. Louis throws open the doors to the back of it, revealing the four of them sat together with rather worried expressions, although their worry is soon dissipated when we inform them that the bomb has been disarmed, and that everyone's safe. They all seem pretty relieved about this news, each of them giving Louis and I quick hugs. Except for Klaudia, who I practically have to peel off me.

After I send Louis and Zayn off to dispose of the car and the remaining bomb parts, we all meet up to grab some food before returning to the safehouse where we've been hiding out for the past few days in order to investigate the terror cell. Aside from us finding the bomb in that car today, which they had parked outside a bustling shopping mall in order to cause as many casualties as possible, they've been relatively inactive. I had begun to think that meant we could probably return to the EEI soon, but after today's events, it's likely that we'll probably have to stay out here for a few more days to ensure they're not planning anything else. I'm not exactly happy about it, but it's my job after all, and that has to come first. Even if my mind has been preoccupied with something, or someone, else throughout this mission.

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