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A.N. ok so disclaimer time: this is a filler chapter that I wasn't originally gonna post bc I had a different plan for this chapter, but I haven't updated this book in a while so I wanted to give you guys something.

As I said before, I was hoping with this quarantine thing that I'd have more time to write, but turns out my uni can't read the room and are continuing to give us work and make us do exams :)))) so I've been pretty busy with all that. But I hope you enjoy this chapter anyway, the next one will have some more action with the political rally and all that.


I wake up in an empty bed, which feels a little strange as I've grown quite accustomed to sharing a bed with Harry and waking up with him next to me in the mornings. I've also gotten used to waking up in the darkness of Harry's bedroom down in the institute, so I'm surprised when I open my eyes to be immediately greeted with the golden sunlight streaming through the curtains. A small yawn falls from my lips as I stretch out my stiff limbs, my fingers skimming across the soft sheets covering the mattress, which are relatively cold in the absence of Harry's usual warmth.

We spent the evening watching a movie in the lounge, although Harry and I were the only ones really paying attention because Sofia just spent the entire time on her phone. I don't know how she even has battery left on that thing, because I don't think I've seen her plug it in to charge it once since being here. After the movie finished, we all decided to head to bed, Sofia and I in our own rooms while Harry took the sofa bed. I felt a little bad about him having to do that, but I suppose it was the safest option. We can't risk Sofia finding out about us, because I'm sure she wouldn't hesitate to run to her father and tell him all about it, who'd then pass it on to Anton. Needless to say, we'd be pretty fucked if that happened.

I yawn again as I climb out of bed, pulling on a jumper from my duffel bag I left on the chair before venturing out into the hallway. Sofia's door is still firmly closed when I walk past, so I assume that she must still be asleep. I'm pretty happy about this, because it means Harry and I might get some peace for a while. When I walk out into the lounge, I find that he's already awake, laying on his back and staring up at the ceiling with a blank expression. He turns his head at the sound of footsteps and his face lights up once he realises it's me, his lips arching into a lazy grin.

"Hey," I greet him softly as I crawl onto the sofa bed, immediately enveloped in the warmth of the rumpled sheets and his familiar scent that's already clinging to them.

"Hey," he replies in his deep, raspy morning voice, rolling onto his side to face me properly. "Did you sleep alright?"

"Yeah, did you?"

"Hmm, it was ok. This bed wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought it'd be." He lets out a small yawn, his pale green eyes blinking up at me sleepily. "Were you ok last night, without me being there?"

I smile at his sweet concern for me, finding it rather touching. "Yeah, I was fine," I assure him. "I knew you were only down the hall,anyway."

He hums softly, seeming to be slightly distracted from our conversation as he begins to absentmindedly trace circles on my bare knee with his index finger. "Are you only scared of dark small spaces when you're in them alone then?" he asks, his tone quiet and curious.

My smile falters at his question and I shift uncomfortably in my seat, not really wanting to talk about this right now. Or ever, if it was up to me. "Uh, I guess..."

Thankfully, Harry doesn't comment on it further. Instead, he pulls himself up to rest on his elbows and leans closer to me, a playful smile on his lips. "We should probably get a few kisses in now, before the devil teen wakes up," he suggests. I let out a small laugh, although it's soon cut off when his lips suddenly press against mine. He kisses me deeply and relatively quickly, but it still manages to make me just as breathless as any other.

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