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A.N. I do love a foreboding gif

I'm updating this story again so I don't feel so bad about still not updating Lovelorn. I'm working on it, I just have a bit of writer's block atm and I'm trying to figure out the ending, so just bear with me. In the meantime, enjoy x


Elias' words ring through the air along with the torturous, ear-splitting alarm, the three of us stood in the corridor for a few seconds as the realisation hits us all at once. We're being attacked.

A beat passes, and then Elias suddenly snaps back to reality, shouting over the alarm as he tells us to go find somewhere safe while he goes to find Louis so they can work out a plan of action. While Stefan and I are still blinking back at him, he suddenly races off down the hall, disappearing into the darkness a few seconds later. I shake my head to myself as I stare after him, briefly pausing as I think about my own plan before I spring to action once again, immediately storming back over to the elevators.

"Uh, where are you going?" Stefan asks as he chases after me, his confusion about this whole situation evident in his voice. "Elias told us to go find somewhere safe."

"Yeah, that's not happening," I scoff as my hand slams against the elevator call button. "It's a stupid idea. We'll just be hiding while the people attacking the institute are walking around doing God-knows what. It's better we take them down ourselves before they can do too much damage."

"But Elias said-"

"I don't really care what Elias said," I snap, immediately walking into the elevator once the doors slide open, raising my eyebrows at Stefan. "Are you coming or not?"

He hesitates, looking unsure about it, but he must eventually realise I'm being the most logical one here because he joins me in the elevator. I give him a small nod, confirming that he's made the right choice before I press the button for the eighth floor, mentally urging the elevator to hurry up as I watch it move down each level. I'm not sure how long we have before the elevators are shut down too, so we need to be quick.

Thankfully, the doors slide open a few seconds later and I quickly walk out, making my way down the halls while Stefan follows close behind me. "Wait, we're on the eighth floor?" he asks, both looking and sounding confused as he glances around. "What's even down here?"

"The trainer's apartments," I reply simply, squinting as I attempt to make out the different doors amidst the red flashing lights. I eventually come to a halt outside of Harry's door, flipping open the keypad beside it.

"Ok. Who's apartment is this?"


A flicker of surprise crosses Stefan's face, clearly not expecting me to say that. He pauses for a few seconds, eyeing me with heavy suspicion as I type the code into the keypad. "How do you know the code?"

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