Chapter 1

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I stared out from the car window feeling overwhelmed and excited both at the same time, I felt as though I could hardly breathe. My mom gave me a side-eye trying to subtly hold back her snickers "You're acting like a little kid Y/n" she stated jokingly.

Directing my attention towards my mother I responded a little defensive but eased up my tone to a more jokey one like my mom's.

"Well, mom  I am going to be working with Uncle Henry who owns one of the most successful and most amazing restaurants."

She replied with a slight giggle before using her words "Well, your right sweetheart but are you sure you're prepared to handle the responsibilities of working there?"

I smiled confidently feeling my nerves die down a bit "Of course I'm prepared to handle the responsibilities, I'm twenty-four not twelve anymore I can take care of myself."

Mom then started to smile at me, she gave me a single thumbs up keeping one hand on the steering wheel as well as her sight. After the little conversation we had, mom announced that we had arrived at my Uncle's pizzeria.

'𝙵𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚛'𝚜 𝙵𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝙳𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚛'

The car pulled up and I began to get out when mom stopped me.

"Good luck."

I felt a little embarrassed it was sweet, but I don't get why she treats me like a little kid. Not wanting to be rude I flashed mom a smile closing the car door and walking towards the pizzeria.

Opening the two-glass door's I was greeted by a long line of people waiting to be seated, the people who were already seated looked as though they were waiting for their food or keeping an eye on their phones or their kids. I sighed.

The staff members appeared unavailable due to all the customers piling into the pizzeria. I tried looking for another option without disturbing the staff or becoming a nuisance to anyone.

Thank god Henry shows up at the most perfect timing.

I pushed past the crowds of people and managed to meet up with Henry without anyone noticing I cut through the line. "Uncle Henry!" I called out, he noticed me standing just a few feet away from him. His face lit up, bringing out his arms Henry pulled me into a hug.

"Y/n! How have you been, I've missed you" Henry matched the same level of energy as me stating rather happily, pulling away from my embrace. I tilted my head up towards him grinning from ear to ear.

"Feelings mutual Uncle Henry and I've been doing great! I have been excited all week!" Henry gazed down questioningly at me still keeping the same level of excitement. My grin dropped slightly.

Did he forget about today?

Shaking the thought from my head I continued to smile and pretend that he knew what I was talking about "Don't do you remember? Jeez, you're so forgetful! It's fine though I'll just tell you, it's my interview today!"

Henry's smirk disappeared and was replaced with an expression of guilt, he sighed and started leading me to his office which was down a separate part of the pizzeria, to access the main offices you would need to go down an ominous corridor which was a little spooky.

He opened his office door which read, 'H. Emily', he directed me towards a seat in front of his desk, the seat was a few inches away from a sofa for easy access to it. I began to take notice of Henry's office, it was covered in drawings from little kids, the light in his office being quite dim with a desk that sat underneath it and papers that littered it along with a family picture of him, his wife, and two of his kids.

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now