Chapter 12

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Hi sorry if this chapter is a little rushed, I wanted to get it out as soon as possible, sorry for the late updates recently and I hope you have a good day or night.



I sat in Williams's car once again gazing out the window, letting my thoughts consume me. I noticed during the car ride to Fredbears William had kept glancing at me every few seconds, but I chose not to acknowledge it.

Gradually we made it to Fredbears, and William parked up, we both got out from the car and headed inside. Me and Afton soon went our separate ways, he went back to his office, and I went to look for Ella and Andye.

I first looked near the booth from where we were sitting previously, there was no sign of either of them, I decided to search the arcade for them there. While on my way there I bumped into Henry.

He stumbled back for a moment then regained his balance.

"Y/n I'm sorry I was in such a rush but now that you're here, you could help me."

I stared at Henry bemused.

"Henry, what are you talking about?" I inquired raising my brow at him, with my arms crossed.

Henry avoided my eyes seemingly regretting what he said, he shook his head, probably trying to clear his thoughts.

"Y/n it's-it's nothing..." he stuttered.

I sighed putting my hand on his shoulder, "Henry it's obviously nothing, what's bothering you?"

Henry now looked saddened he for a moment wavered and slightly changed his body to walk off in the other direction but stopped himself, "Y/n it's your mom she hasn't been answering any of my calls for the past day, I think something might be wrong."

I slight pang of worry swept over me I took a step back from him, removing my hand from his shoulder. "Henry she was fine when I left her, but I'll go and check on her" I didn't wait for Henry to respond and ran off in the direction to the main area.

Everything was a blur while I was running, I kept my speed up my thoughts were crawling in and out of my head some were negative, but the optimistic ones tried to seep in. My only goal was to reach the outside of the pizzeria and make my way to my mom's house.

My recklessness and short-sightedness would soon be my downfall, literally. I found myself crashing right into another person, we both toppled over onto the ground. I fell onto the stranger's chest, then I realized the choice of clothing the 'stranger' was wearing; a pristine, straightened, well-kept purple suit.

'Can't I avoid him for one day?'

"We really need to stop bumping into each other like this love, isn't this the second time?" William remarked, probably referring to our previous encounter from when I knocked him over.

I rolled my eyes at him unnoticeably getting onto my feet, and brushing myself off, before I was about to take off again William gripped my wrist tightly but not enough to cause discomfort.

Slowly I turned my head to look at him, Afton stared down at me with a suspicious look in his eyes.

"What is it now William?" I asked sternly, eagerly waiting for him to let go.

His grip faltered but still remained on my wrist.

"Y/n you alright? Normally you would respond to my comment with a snarky quip of your own" William said eyeing me up and down.

I sighed feeling frustrated knowing I couldn't avoid this situation, "Afton it's my mom she's not answering Henry's calls, I'm worried she might of-" I stopped myself from saying what I thought.

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now