Chapter 16

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Charlie's spirit quickly disappeared in front of my eyes. I put both of the two cameras in my pocket and left parts and service with the box I had got down from the shelf. I saw Afton still crouched down next to the security puppet.

When I got in close enough range to William he had the audacity to speak to me, "Y/n do you have those cameras yet or not? I need them right now-"

Before Afton could finish his sentence I proceeded to throw the box I had in my hands at him.

"You motherfucker! You fucking killed Charlie, did you really think I was too stupid to find out!" I yelled at William, a mixture of anger and sadness present in my voice.

William started to chuckle to himself when it registered in his head what I just shouted at him. He turned his head toward and upward at me, looking at me with his remorseless eyes.

"And whose fault is that Y/n?" Afton asked with a teasing voice, his face representing a doe-eyed look.

His remark sparked something in me. I close my hand into a fist and socked him in the side of his jaw. William took the hit well, considering the last time I punched him in the face. But this only amused him more, his chuckles then turned into a small laugh.

"I'm sorry dear but you bought her death on yourself" Afton paused. He stood up from where he was crouching and now he was looming over me like he usually would. William leaned into my personal space and whispered into my ear, "Maybe if you didn't tell Henry about our little secret, Charlie would have still been alive."

Afton removed himself from my personal space and gazed down at me with a smirk.

I felt my blood turn cold. I stared at him with a confused look in my eyes.

"How did you know...?" I asked trailing off my sentence, questioning him but partly myself too.

Afton's smirk turned into a smile, he didn't answer me for a few seconds, seeming to think of an 'appropriate' answer.

"Henry told me, love. Quite recently, in fact, he came into my office rather abruptly, talking about how 'You've lost your mind' and that he's worried about you. That's when he admitted to me, that you and him had an interesting little argument."

I stood there not believing a word he was saying, "Henry wouldn't tell you anything, I don't believe you" I took a deep breath out, trying to calm myself down "plus if he did he's going to know... Henry is going to know you killed Charlie, the cameras on the puppet would show him."

"Oh! You reminded me, darling. I need the two faulty cameras I was asking for a moment ago, before you so kindly threw a box at my head and interrupted me mid-sentence" Afton said setting a small glare on me.

I remained quiet taking my eyes off him, I wasn't going to help Afton cover-up Charlies murder.

"Aw~ come on Y/n don't be like that. Just be glad I didn't choose to make one of your friends an example, now be a good girl and hand over the cameras" William said with a mocking tone laced within his voice. He gripped my chin gently with his index finger and thumb moving my head in his direction, so I was looking at him.

"Oh, so what happens if I don't give you them? Will you go after Ella or Andye next? Or me?" I said replying to a part of what William was saying.

Afton smirked at me, removing his hand away from my chin once he got my attention. "Of course not Y/n, killing you would be a waste. But your friends are... debatable." William paused, his smirk now leaving his face, "But if I were you love, I would just hand them over before you force my hand and make me do something that you'll regret."

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now