Chapter 14

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Henry led me into his house, by the time we got there it was already late, and I felt as though I was going to collapse from all the exciting things that happened today. As soon as I walked through the door, Charlie and Sammy's footsteps were drawing close to Henry and me.


Both said in unison once they caught a glimpse of me. Charlie and Sammy both hugged my legs, I was standing awkwardly not knowing how to react. Charlie and Sammy left the embrace they made and once they saw their dad they turned towards him and gave him a hug.

I yawned feeling exhausted, noticing the stress I had been through today caught up with me. Before telling Henry I was going to bed for the night I had the chance to slip into the bathroom and find a medical kit in the bathroom, so I was able to change my bandages for the night.

Once I was finished I cleaned everything up and left the bathroom throwing the old bandages I had in the bin, then I approached Henry and I let him know I was going to go now.

"Hey Henry, I think I'm going to bed now," I said rubbing my eyes and trying to hold back another yawn.

Henry in return nodded and directed me towards the guest bedroom, I shut the door behind him and turned around to place myself inside the covers of the bed making myself comfortable, I felt myself begin to fall asleep as my head hit the pillow.


I was running along the old, checkered floors from the pizzeria Henry used to own. But I was much younger than. Me and my old friends were playing a game of hide and seek, it was an innocent game or so we thought until me and my best friend wandered into the back room.

I could see me and her carefully walk in there, and climb into the blue torso of Bonnie, thinking it would be a harmless hiding spot. We both laughed in harmony as we thought we were going to win the game but little did we know someone else was playing it.

Both me and my best friend heard the door creak open, we held back our laughter not wanting to reveal our hiding spot from our other friends. The door closed and locked, now me and her were both becoming alarmed. We both peeked through the ripped fabric through the bonnie torso, our faces pressing up what I now know was a spring lock.

A bang interrupted the silence, a golden bonnie suit had thrown what looked like the body of a small child. I remembered my breathing was shallow and heavy, my eyes widened, slowly filling with tears. My best friend opposite me looked horrified she was using a hand to cover her mouth, to prevent herself from screaming.

The child of what it looked like through my blurred vision, was still alive but unconscious, the golden bonnie suit held a sharp object in its right hand and didn't hesitate to plunge it into the child's chest. They didn't even react, nothing came from the child, they were dead. My eardrum was pierced by a high-pitched muffled scream, which came from my best friend opposite me.

The golden bonnie turned its head towards me and my friend it looked directly at me, its eyes silver and dull, it looked like I was staring into death itself.


I woke up frantically, gripping onto the sheet that covered me. I heavily breathed the state of shock set into my body which turned into relief when I saw my familiar surroundings, slowly I calmed myself down and got from the bed to get a glass of water and clear my head. I quietly made my way to Henry's kitchen and took a glass, filling it with some water.

I couldn't help but think why my memories from my past are starting to come back in dream fragments, but it was a little too weird that it was about William, being with him is obviously poisonous. There's no chance in hell that having these memories just come to me now is a coincidence.

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now