Chapter 23

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Credits: yoonisfw

I stared at him in shock for a couple of seconds, I swear my mouth almost gaped open. "Yeah, you should have dumbass."

"Oh come now love, that isn't a very nice thing to say when I'm helpless and there's nothing I can do about correcting your attitude," Afton replied with his British accent, making sure to emphasise it more when he spoke.

"Do you always have to flirt with me?!" I said feeling slightly embarrassed and dazed.

William's attention quickly turned off me and to the opening door. Henry walked through with a relieved expression on his face once he saw Afton was awake. He sat down in the chair closest to me, "How are you feeling Will?" Henry asked.

Afton moved faintly, trying to sit up more in the bed. He groaned a little when he moved, even him trying to get comfortable looked like it hurt a lot. "Well I feel like death, this bloody pain isn't helping either" he answered his tone a little passive-aggressive, "but luckily Y/n's presence is making me feel a lot better."

Henry smiled a little awkwardly at Afton. His eyes went onto me and then back at William, "Well uh, I'm glad Y/n is helping you feel better Will" he responded with his voice sounding unsure and sheepish.

I shot Afton a glare knowing what his intent was supposed to be. He caught my gaze and reacted by flashing me a smug smirk. I mouthed 'fuck you' to him and he just playfully winked at me. Henry's voice once again filled the silence but this time he attempted to change the topic off William. "I have some other good news. I got a call from the company and their willing to take our idea on," Henry paused for a minute his expression changing to a not-so-hopeful one, "but there's one problem."

Afton sighed a little annoyed, "There's always got to be complications with everything..." he crossed his arms, looking intensively at Henry, "so what is it?" He finally asked after complaining.

"The company wants to buy our business and take over it, we can still work at the new location, it just won't be under our ownership anymore."

William's face changed very noticeably. His demeanour shifted, the rising vexation within him displayed across his features, Afton set a dangerous glare on Henry, "I refuse to sell out our company to a bunch of pompous, tight-ass businessmen."

Henry sighed, "Just think about it..." he said trailing off his sentence. It seemed like he wanted William to agree but Henry also didn't seem all that surprised when Afton got defensive and refused the offer.

"I think we've wasted enough time on it Henry" Afton dismissed Henry's attempt to talk about it further.

Henry then stood up from the chair he was sitting in, clearly annoyed, "William if we can't talk about something this important without you sulking then maybe we should go our separate ways."

Well shit.

And with that he left Afton and me alone in the hospital room, storming off in a mood. But I couldn't blame him. I turned my sight to Afton who looked as though he wanted to kill something or at least he wanted to release his frustration and anger but he didn't, he kept quite composed. William didn't even waste his breath trying to stop Henry from leaving.

"He doesn't mean that... probably," I muttered the last word to myself, "but Henry is going through a lot right now." Thinking about it though Henry most likely meant it but for Afton's sake maybe he didn't. I sighed, "But don't you think you could have considered it?"

William just tutted and moved his gaze from me. "I'm not a people pleaser Y/n. I'm not going to think about something that I'm wasting my time on," he said continuing his sentence, "and I don't need reassurance love. If Henry decides to leave our partnership I won't care in the slightest."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2022 ⏰

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