Chapter 7

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William Afton walked straight into the room with a smirk cross between a smile on his face, he then immediately set his gaze on me. I glared back at him in return.

He then came and sat very close to me, too close for comfort.

"Now that you're here Mr. Afton we would like to ask you both some questions" The police stated.

I opened my mouth about to speak but Afton had to cut me off.

"Of course officers, ask any question you see fit" William responded in a formal tone.

"Well, I apologize for the things you both had to go through, especially you Mr. Afton it seems like you went through the worst of it."

Excuse me? The fuck!

I gritted my teeth in annoyance.

I felt Williams teasing gaze set on me from the corner of my eye I knew he sensed my frustration and was adamant about playing on it.

Keep your cool Y/n don't give Afton the satisfaction, plus this could be his trap, he could be trying to blame the murders on me.

I took a breath in and calmed myself.

"Thank you, officer, after all being stuffed into a spring-locked suit alive is quite traumatizing I don't think I've recovered quite yet" Afton dramatically put a hand over his head.

I rolled my eyes at his action.

"First off Y/n did you see who the murder was when you got attacked?" the other policemen who I called the serious one, managed to not fall into Williams's charm and procced with the topic.

I stayed silent for a moment.

Fuck I can't say anything while the child murder is right next to me... but I also could get caught for lying.

I bit my lip from nervousness.

Then I had felt a hand being placed onto my thigh, I knew who it had belonged to.

I sighed, following along with Afton's little action to get my attention.

He stared down at me with a menacing look in his eyes, his 'happy' mood had changed instantly.

Ah well shit.

I turned my head back to both policemen. I sat still not saying a single word.

"It's alright Miss L/n if you know you can tell us even if it's a person in this room or outside the room you will be protected," one of them said trying to persuade me.

"Y/n if you don't speak up you will be joining the dead children."

Afton whispered in my ear squeezing my thigh tightly that it caused some pain.

"N-no I'm sorry my memory was so hazy I can barely remember anything please forgive me" I tried my best to let out my inner actress and mustered a few tears and a compelling sorrow-filled voice.

Both policemen sighed with guilt on their faces and turned to ask William the same question in which he managed to lie his way through no problem. In which I wasn't surprised.

He then had let go of my thigh, the pain rapidly left.

The serious policeman then looked back at me.

"Miss L/n I apologize for asking this, but we need to know the details for the case, could you describe to the best of your ability too what happened?"

Oh no.

"Oh I- um well I was doing my usual shift and I was keeping an eye on the children, that's when I saw a yellow bunny lead a child to backstage I sprinted full speed towards the bunny but I was too late, I didn't see the child's body but I saw its blood when I entered backstage, that's when... the bunny stabbed me in the stomach I-I um passed out and I'm guessing the murder dragged me outside the building to hide my body but heard my co-worker Andye and fled the crime scene."

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now