Chapter 10

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Hi sorry I haven't updated recently I got sick .-. but  I'm better now and can post more chapters. I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a good day or night!  


"Afton, what do you want?" I grumbled letting my hands slid down my face, blinking a couple of times to refresh my vision.

William had his arms cross leaning on the booth as he stared mockingly at me. He cleared his throat and holding a hand out towards me. Rolling my eyes, I hastily took it. I was then pulled up and onto my feet, Afton's arms clung around me.

"Nothing dear I just wanted to see how you were doing, you left my house in quite a rush."

My heart dropped to the bottom of my stomach. He did not just do that.

Andye looked as though she was about to burst into laughter, slowly her face was turning red from holding it. She covered her mouth with her hand and looked away, tears escaped her eyes from holding her tongue in pursuit to not laugh.

"You're dead Afton" I murmured under my breath, still entangled in his arms.

A small chuckle escaped his lips, "Would you like to bet on that love?" he replied digging his sharp fingernails into my skin, I recoiled subtly at the pain.

"I think I would" I spat out without hesitation.

I felt William's body tense up around me, he gradually snaked his hand to cup around the back of my neck, he squeezed on the pressure points around my neck. My body relaxed in an unnatural way, he continued to squeeze harder.

Afton's grip on me was weak so I casually pushed him away, stumbling back a few steps away from him. William looked as though he was just about to snap, his eyes were that same glowing sapphire color from last night's forced dance. I bit my lip nervously and took his wrist.

Yall thought I was just going to ignore that.

"Andye I'll be back-"

She gave a thumbs up nodding her head with a smile on her face.

I took William into his office and sat him down.

"Afton... You look more serial killer-ey than usual, what's going on...?" I asked cautiously with the way I spoke.

William gazed up weakly, his eyes flickering the same glowing blue tint from last night at the pizzeria.

Afton blinked a couple of times then the sapphire tint in his eyes left recurring to its standard overcast color.

"I'm fine love."

I looked at William with half-lidded eyes, eyeing him up and down. I sighed putting my hands on my hips, "Are you going to tell me? Or do we have to do it the hard way?"

Afton then bit his bottom lip his eyes reflecting a need for lust... blood lust. I shivered at the thought of him cutting my body into pieces.

"Now I'm intrigued, what would be the hard way darling?" he smirked at me resting his head on his palms.

"Pft well I could always tell Henry what you did~"

I smiled to myself turning around about to leave through the door.

"I don't think so love." William loomed over my shoulder, whispering in my ear.

I was then suddenly pinned against the office wall by my wrists a psychotic grin on his face, his eyes lit up with the same sapphire glow, his thirst for blood lust in his eyes became more noticeable.

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now