Chapter 4

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Backstage that's where that thing took her.

I got too backstage as fast as I could the door was closed, and I couldn't hear anything from coming inside it.

I extended my arm out towards the door, that's when my hand started to shake my body then began to tremble soon after. I hesitated but I decided it was probably nothing and pushed my fear away.

Opening the door, the fear I pushed back exploded inside me I started to shake violently, what stood in front of me was a fresh puddle of blood that dripped off the steel table, but the girl's body was nowhere to be seen.

I broke out of the haze I was submerged in.

I felt something standing behind me I whipped my head around to see what the fuck it was.

Then of course it was the bloody bunny from earlier, it made no attempt to move yet, but I stilled kept my guard up and stayed vigilant.

"Aww don't look at me like that darling~"

I immediately recognized that god damned voice.

I think William picked up on that I knew it was him, he then inched closer to me I had no choice but to start backing up. My hands then hit the blooded table first, it was cold and sent unwanted chills down my spine.

"Back off William" I tried to make myself sound intimidating as possible or at least show him that I wasn't scared of him although we both knew I wanted to scream or cry.

"Such a poor choice of words Y/n." I just knew William was fucking smiling underneath the creepy bunny head.

Afton bought his knife up to my face, using the blood-stained blade to tilt my head up to look up at him directly. I gulped but I knew, I knew I had to ask him.

"Why! William tell me, why did you kill that girl!" I felt like I was pleading almost in which I was really demanding him to tell me.

I waited with my teeth gritted I had no concept of what William was like, he was unpredictable it made me more terrified of him.

Afton then started to giggle which then turned into laughter my heart dropped into my stomach I was looking at him wide-eyed. "Shhh, that's our little secret but between you and me I've killed more-"

"What the- you're fucking sick, and like hell, I wouldn't tell anyone what you bloody did you asshole!"

Both anger and sadness were beckoning to be let out, I felt as though I couldn't hold myself up anymore like I was weak at the knees.

"Oh Y/n you won't be telling anyone, you'll be dead you will never  get the chance to" William's accent soon returned his voice still threatening and harsh.

He then quickly moved the knife from under my chin leaving a small cut in its wake then directed his blade above my abdomen.

My memory then flashed to the kids from a few hours ago, I would be soon having the same wound as them.

Afton was the one they were talking about.

"Oh shit, I can't believe they were fucking right..." I cursed under my breath, thinking out loud which got William's attention.

He swiftly moved his free hand towards my face gripping it in his palm he was holding onto my jaw tightly. It hurt like a motherfucker.

"By the sounds of it Y/n you've met, Cassidy, Fritz and Gabriel and now poor Susie. Your smart sweetheart I'll give you that, contacting the spirits like that... impressive" William had a wave of intimidating anger in the tone of his voice.

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now