Chapter 15

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Hiii.. sorry for not updating for the past few months. It has been a while since I've updated this book and I'm sorry for making you wait for it to be updated, I just lost a lot of motivation and I had really bad writer's block, and I didn't want to write a bad chapter for this book so I waited until I had a good enough idea. So anyway here's chapter 15, I hope you enjoy it and I want to thank you guys for reading it <3 
I hope you have a good day or night. 


I thought for a moment before I responded to my Dad. I released a short sigh, not believing myself that I would actually consider giving my dad a chance, "Sure... I mean you have been gone for seventeen years, there must be a lot to talk about." I mumbled my sentence, turning my head away from the person who was supposed to be my father, "I can't talk for long though I still have a job to go to."

Dad gazed at me with a look, a look that I've never seen before in anyone, an auspicious gaze. I took my eyes once more off him and started to head in the direction of the living room, my dad following close behind me. I took the opposite seat he was on and set myself down on the couch, staring at him attentively.

He noticed my gaze, a gaze which he recognised and knew that I was looking for answers from him. Dad stared back at me with his ashamed filled eyes. He parted his lips, already knowing what we both planned on talking about, "Y/n no doubt that William told you a few things, it wouldn't be like him if he didn't tell you. But what you need to know is, he lies and manipulates, he would have used your past against you."

I didn't have a look of shock on my face, I already knew from the beginning Afton was manipulative and sadistic. I crossed my legs, making myself more comfortable before I spoke, "I know that. Afton is hard to see through, he can make you believe things that aren't real, or he can make you feel trapped, but I know that stuff, just tell me why... why did you leave me and mom."

I noticed my father's hand clench, sweat then began to form on his face. He looked nervous and uncomfortable, but I didn't care, I deserved to know why he left me and mom, it was a reasonable question from my point of view.

"I'm sorry Y/n but you don't deserve to know that.. you can't know that."

My eyes widened, did... did I just hear that correctly? I stared at my dad, bewildered, disappointed, a range of different emotions crossed my mind. But I wasn't mad, after all, I expected no less, how could I feel angry at him if I already knew that he was this type of person. A type of person to just completely shut you down.

I hummed in response a small smile tugging at my lips, a sad smile, not displaying any once of happiness, "Yeah of course I don't, I mean I am your daughter after all, but apparently I don't 'deserve' to know why you left" I paused feeling tears began to prick at my eyes, I turned my head away wiping away the tears that threatened to fall, well if I don't deserve the truth then he doesn't deserve a shred of my sympathy. "You know a child murder is more cooperative than you, Afton was the one who told me why you left."

My dad looked at me with a shocked and worried expression, "He told you, did he?"

I still didn't make direct eye contact with my father, I didn't want to look at him, let alone tell him what William told me, but I had to, I needed to figure out if Afton was lying and maybe find out from my dads perspective on what happened. I was determined to find out.

"Yes he did, Afton told me everything about how you knew he was a child murder and you, father,  was close to killing him, but you didn't follow through and Afton stabbed you when your back was turned. After you had a lovely visit at the hospital you just left in fear of him finding you and finishing the job, want me to continue? Or do you get the message?"

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now