Chapter 19

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I sat in Afton's office, spinning on the swivel chair behind his desk out of boredom. I sighed and leaned my head back against the chair. The door to the office soon opened after what felt like hours. But it wasn't William who walked into the office this time.

"Oh wow, I wasn't expecting to see you, Mikey," I said lifting up my head up from the seat.

Michael rubbed the back of his neck and gave me a look, "Are you kidding? I'd rather be in here with you than be out there with my parents and the police who keep giving me weird stares. It's like they think I'm going to steal something or cause trouble at my father's pizzeria, sort of his anyway."

I laughed a little and gestured for him to sit down on the couch. I turned around in the chair, so I was facing Michael and proceed to put my feet on Williams desk.

"You have some serious balls to do that in my father's office."

I shrugged my shoulders and crossed my feet over the desk, "Well Afton can fire me if he doesn't like it, but I know he won't" I said with a smug grin on my face.

Michael looked at me with a 'sure' face.

"So..." I said, "When are you actually going to come into Fredbears, I thought your dad was forcing you to work here or something."

Michael leaned back on the couch putting his feet on the table in front of him. I'm so proud.

"Well to be honest with you I was supposed to be starting this week, but I ditched coming here every time I got the chance to" he admitted with no shame in his voice.

"Pft- I don't blame you. I mean all the things that are happening to this place I'm very surprised it's still open" I answered.

Michael nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah, I'm just as surprised as you. The number of kids and employees that died here, Fredbear's might as well be a horror attraction."

"It literally already is."

Mikey opened his mouth about to say something else until the sound of a door opening interrupted him.

"Hey Mr Afton, I'm sorry for coming in late I...-"

Andye walked through the door and stared at me and Michael for a solid minute.

"What the fuck is this?!" she questioned visibly confused.

"Andye? I thought you weren't coming into work today" I said.

Andye flashed me a disappointed frown, she stared at me with slight daggers in her eyes. "And leave you here in this hellhole by yourself? I'm sorry Y/n but you can't get rid of me that easily."

I smiled at Andye and rolled my eyes jokingly at her, "Of course I can't, I'm stuck with you forever."

"Yep exactly."

Michael just looked at the both of us, he then stood up from the chair with his hands up and walked towards the office door, "And I think this is where I leave before you guys start confessing your undying love for each other."

And with that Michael left Afton's office now leaving me and Andye in there.

Andye looked to the door then looked back at me and pointed her thumb behind her, "Who was that angsty emo kid?"

"That was Michael Andye, Afton's kid."

Andye made an 'o' shape with her lips and didn't ask any more questions about him. "So should we get to work Y/n? I think the kids are going to be here soon."

I stretched in the chair I was in before I got up. "Yep, I suppose we should actually do our jobs."


I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now