Chapter 13

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Hai, I'm not dead I've just been recently having writer's block for this fanfic so far, but I have a few ideas now and I promise the next chapters will be posted more recently and more interesting. I've also been busy working on new fanfic which I posted two chapters of, so I might have late updates with this one but I will get some new ones out this week!
I hope you have a good day or night!


William gradually lost his strength in both hands, probably being too focused on his next victim. His head remained directed to the silhouette I took this chance to use my right hand and removed William's from my wrist, while also removing his other hand from my mouth. Delicately I slipped under his arm and ran towards the figure that stood over mom.

From behind me, William shouted out my name in an aggravated tone of voice, the figure I became almost close to turning on their heel. I came to a sudden halt when the person and me came face to face with each other.

My eyes deliberately start to tear up with the built-up emotions started to rush through me. Both my fists clenched together, in a desperate act to cover my face I turned my head to the ground, wanting to be taken away from this situation. I really thought I could escape my past.

From behind me, I felt a protective hand cover my shoulder and I was quickly pulled into who I was guessing; William's chest. My face flushed at the action, and I could feel my face burning up at Afton's touch.

"Come on Y/n we're leaving."

William put his arm around my shoulders and nudged me towards the door.

"You don't make that decision."

The voice sent me into a paralyzed state, in my best effort I tried to calm myself down and ignore it.

"Says the absent father who left his daughter for half of her life, I don't think you have the right to make any decisions for her, Y/n is very capable of making her own choices" William stated, taking his arm off my shoulders.

I turned to my body to face in Afton's direction and put my hand on his shoulder, "William it's fine, let's leave, I don't want to be here, especially if he's in the same room as me."

William glared at my father, he began to turn around and looked directly at me with a straight face meaning he was unimpressed with the confrontation, or he didn't like me including myself in the conversation.

"Y/n you're not going anywhere with him, you're staying in this house, now go to your room I don't want to make this an argument" Dad ordered pointing towards the direction of my bedroom like a typical parent lecturing their kid.

I sighed deeply annoyed about to answer my dad, but William had interrupted me, I decided to let his voice interrupt the conversation.

"Y/n should choose, not the absent father or the psychotic child murder" Afton replied for me, a little venom was hinted in his voice at the mention of how my dad had acted in the past.

Now both dad and Afton were staring at me.

I couldn't take the pressure, If I were being honest, I didn't want to go with either William or my own father. Without thinking, I shoved William from me to prevent him from gripping my wrist and stopping me. I swiftly turned around and ran in the direction of the front door, feeling overwhelmed by the current situation.

Once I was outside, I had some sense of direction and I choose to run towards the closest park so it would take a while for William or my dad to find me, I already knew I couldn't be with either of them at the moment.

I drew closer to the park and slowed my run to a light jog, taking in deep breaths to prevent myself from getting a stitch. Slowly I got to a park bench and placed myself there, thinking to myself on what my next great decision I had this time.

I sighed and pulled out my phone and scrolled through my contacts and stopped when I saw Henry's name. I felt myself hesitate for a minute but took a deep breath and reassured myself and dialed his number into my phone and put it against my ear.

'Hello? This is Henry Emily.'

"Hi Henry, it's just me, I called to ask you a favor."

I waited on the other line, feeling tense and unsure of what Henry was going to say next.

'Oh, Y/n! Yeah sure of course anything for my favorite niece.'

"I- um, would it be ok if I stayed the night? Just don't tell anyone I'm there."

'Oh yeah sure Y/n but you need to explain to me why you want to first.'

"I'll explain later, I'm near the park closest to my mom's house, I promise I'll do extra work if you do this for me, Henry."

On the other line, I heard my uncle let out a worried sigh, before answering.

'Ok I trust you; I'll be there in thirty minutes.'

I smiled relieved and thanked Henry more times than I could count. I ended the call when we both said our 'goodbyes' and I waited patiently for Henry to arrive.


Half an hour passed, and Henry arrived on time, I was becoming to get impatient and paranoid that Afton was going to track me down but considering he hasn't shown up for about thirty minutes he must be too preoccupied with trying to kill my father. Henry pulled up in his car right when it struck six-thirty, I rushed from the park bench and got into Henry's car very rapidly which left him looking at me both shock and confusion on his face.

He left it for the moment and began to drive away from the park as I fiddled with my seat belt to put it on. A couple of minutes went by, and I felt ready enough to tell Henry about the sudden arrangement.

"Henry, I guess I owe you an explanation," I said breaking the silence between us, I twiddled with my thumbs awkwardly, trying to find the best way to explain everything without revealing William's secret.

He glanced at me for a second and directed his eyes back onto the road, "Of course Y/n take your time."

I felt some encouragement in his words and safe enough to tell him part of the story, "There's not a gentle way I can put this Henry but... my dad is back."

Henry choked on air, by his reaction he was both baffled and stunned. He turned his head slightly and tried to reply to my sudden news but seemed as though he had no words for the situation. I placed my hand on his shoulder and tried to assure him that he didn't need to comment on it, as it was surprising news to both me and him.

"Don't worry Henry your reaction makes sense, when I first saw him, I ran away because I couldn't stand the sight of him."

Henry looked saddened by my words he opened his mouth to speak, meaning he had found the right words or at least a sentence, "Y/n I'm sorry if I realized how much you never liked him, I would have never mentioned him."

His grip on the steering wheel tensed up he looked genuinely guilty for his past actions. I sighed sort of regretting bringing it up, but I tried to lighten the mood a bit by thanking him.

"Thanks, Henry for letting me stay over-"

My sentence was interrupted by my phone vibrating in my pocket, I pulled it from my pocket and looked to see who was calling me. I felt my eyes widen slightly, internally I panicked. It was Afton. I was dumb enough to think he wouldn't come after me.

I decided to answer the phone because I knew he wouldn't stop bothering me all night otherwise.

"What is it, William?" I whispered turning my head towards the car door so Henry wouldn't be able to hear our conversation.

'Y/n where the fuck are you.'

"I don't think you need to know that right now Afton."

'Once I find you love I'm going to break you."

"Do you worst Afton."

I ended the phone call there realizing what deep shit I've got myself into, I tried not to think on it too much but my thoughts consumed me and I became a paranoid, nervous wreck until I got to Henry's house.

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now