Chapter 18

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Credits: @fiorellapiedo 


"Henry you know I don't trust him."

"You still think Will caused the incidents, don't you?" Henry said with a slight disappointed tone in his voice.

"I don't think he did, I know he did. I was one of his victims! He was going to kill me for god sake."

"Y/n I... I don't want to have this argument again" Henry sighed. "But please can't you just understand my situation."

"I do, I understand but can't you understand my situation!"

"I'm sorry Y/n I would, but your situation isn't real... You know I'm starting to worry about you."

I sat there looking at Henry in disbelief, he can't be serious. But I accepted defeat, it was obvious I wasn't going to convince him. "Ok. I'm sorry. But just tell Afton to not be so hard on me while your gone, I'm still mourning Charlie's passing as well."

Henry sighed a breath of relief, "Of course, I'll tell Will that Y/n. But in the meantime, while I'm gone, try to get that thought from your head, it can seriously impact your mental health."

I gazed down toward the table Henry's last statement was getting to me, "Yeah I'll try." I wanted to change the topic slightly, so I asked Henry when he was leaving.

"Well, tomorrow at the latest. I need to tell Sammy the bad news and help him through it, I also need time to process what happened too."

I nodded at him understandingly. Although I didn't want Henry to leave, he needed time to mourn Charlie. "I should probably be getting back to work." I said trying to break the conversation up, "Do you need me to fix any specific thing while I'm doing my rounds?"

"No, not that I know of. While you are out in the main area there might be a few policemen, just ignore them, there not here to interrogate people yet. They're just probably finishing up their investigation" Henry then continued back to his work after saying what he had to say. I got up from the chair and left the office right away.

I walked out into the main area and just as Henry said there were three to four police officers plus Clara and her daughter Elizabeth. I sighed and went straight to the main stage. Luckily for me Spring-Bonnie and Fredbear were already out on the stage, it saved me time and effort to get them out from parts and services. 

I was about to go onto the stage until I realized I didn't have the toolbox. Shit.

I turned around and looked over to the security puppet, the toolbox wasn't there either. Fucking William must have put it in parts and services. I sighed frustratedly and made my way there.

I opened the door to parts and services and found the toolbox sitting on the metal table. I went to reach for it until I heard the door close behind me.


I went to slowly turn around and see what the cause of it was until I found myself being pinned to the closest wall. My heart rate then started to speed up. Afton loomed over me, he held both of my hands above my head.

"Hello dear~" William spoke, almost singing his words through his smooth British accent. I glared upward at him. Afton just chuckled at my hardened stare, "Don't look at me like that love."

"What do you want?" I said through gritted teeth.

Afton didn't answer me he just smirked at me with his dumb ass face. But then I felt one of his hands go into my pant pocket. My heart then quickly sped up more, the only thought that was going around in my mind was; what the hell is this child-killing fuck doing.

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now