Valentine's Day Special

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It was February 14th which meant it was Valentine's Day.


A day where couples, family and friends would show their love for each other. Sadly this year I had no one to celebrate it with; my parents went to a fancy restaurant, Andye and Ella went on a date with each other.

So I was stuck working at Fredbear's, where I had nothing going on today, I was free to work the whole day. Henry even left early today to spend time with his wife. So I was basically a loner on the worst day to be alone on.

I don't even know if Afton was here today. He probably was either with his kids and ex-wife playing happy family for a day or he was a loner like me but he was just smart enough to be a loner in house.

I sighed, not in the brightest mood.

I stood near the stage overlooking the teenage couples, who came into the diner for a cheap lunch. I rolled my eyes at the lovey-dovey atmosphere that was present in the restaurant, feeling slightly jealous of the people who had dates.

I couldn't watch all the couples anymore, it was seriously starting to get on my nerves.

Luckily I was on my break meaning I could go outside and pretend that Valentine's Day wasn't a thing for the last 10 minutes. I made my way to the doors of the diner and went out to the front.

Once I stepped out into the open the awful smell of smoke entered my nose. I turned my head away from the smell trying to avoid the strong scent.

"Hey dude, we have a no-smoking policy. Ya know, because it's a children's establishment" I addressed frustratedly to the stranger who probably wouldn't take any notice of me.

"I'm aware of that love. I was the one who made that policy for the diner."

I instantly recognised that voice. I turned my head back toward the source of the smoke and it was William who created that awful aroma.

Afton was leaning against his car with a cigarette in between his index finger and middle finger. He again took the cig and put it against his lips, taking a drag out of it, the smoke escaping through his parted mouth.

"What are you doing here?" I asked while I made my way over to him.

I leaned next to him on his car, gazing upwards to meet his eyes. "I thought you would be with your family on Valentine's Day."

William tilted his head upwards, puffing out another smoke before turning his head down to me again. "Clara didn't want my company to sour the day" he replied with annoyance in his voice.

"Yeah I mean I can see her point. I wouldn't want you around when you smell like smoke" I answered back with a teasing smirk on my face.

Afton didn't respond, he just took another drag from his cigarette but this time he held the smoke in his mouth.

William then turned to face me directly, he lowered his height so me and him were face to face. He then proceeded to blow the smoke from the cigarette, he held in his mouth, in my face.

I coughed and spluttered, covering my mouth with my elbow. I waved my hand in front of my face, attempting to get rid of the lingering texture in the air.

"Ugh, what the fuck Afton! I breathed that shit in!" I complained after having my coughing fit.

William chuckled at my remark, dropping his cigarette onto the ground and putting it out with his foot.  "Come on love, I can see how much you want to ditch this place," he said while putting his hand in his pocket.

Although yes he was right I didn't want to be at work on a special day, I still had to do my job.

I shook my head in protest, "I would like to but I don't have a good enough excuse to leave right now and Henry wouldn't like it if I upped and left."

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