Chapter 2

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Once again, I was been driven by my mom to Fazbear's Diner, I woke up earlier than usual to start my new job it was around six, so I was half dead. The car pulled up into the parking lot and I lazily got out of the car waving 'bye' to my mom before walking towards the diner.

I opened the single glass door greeted with a dark and ominous space the lights were shut off and the animatronics were active for some odd reason.

I walked towards the stage admiring both Fredbear and Spring-Bonnie they looked creepy and worn, "How do kids enjoy these?" I muttered under my breath.

I shook my head then turned around almost suddenly, bumping into something that now blocked my path, for a second, I was disorientated but slowly gathered my bearings.

Two hands gripped my shoulders slowly gazing up at a welcoming smirk that is now been cast down upon me.

"Careful darling, you don't want to hurt yourself now do you?" Afton had a charm to his voice when he spoke. I used my hand to shoo his hands away from my shoulders.

"Well maybe if weren't in my way I wouldn't have almost fallen over," I said replying to his comment.

William ignored what I said, he put his arm on my lower back directing my body to face the active animatronics. "I noticed that you were admiring my work, don't you find it fascinating how quickly children are willing to trust anything?"

An uneasy feeling wormed its way into the pit of my stomach settling down making it grow stronger.

This isn't creepy at all.

"Why do ask? I don't see any point in asking a fucked-up question like that Afton." I pulled away from him turning a newfound glare upon him. In return William had a half creepy smirk in between a pleasurable half-smile upon his face, I tensed up at his expression.

"You're quite right it is a dissatisfying question to ask, isn't it? Why don't we take a trip to parts and service and give you a closer look at the animatronic parts, hm?"

I felt warning bells starting to go off in my head, but I agreed to follow along with William's plan. He started to lead me to parts and service opening the door to a dimly lit room.

"Lady's first" Afton's hand gestured towards the inside of the room.

I looked him up and down and shook my head, "No I insist, you first." William's smirk dropped slightly looking as though he had lost a chance to do something. Without hesitation, he stepped first into the sketchy as ass room me following him inside.

Afton scanned the shelves a finger curled around his chin as he seemed to be in thought. I felt uncomfortable and nervous while in the same room alone with Afton, to be sure I stood relatively close to the door not moving an inch.

William soon plucked an animatronic arm from the top shelf it looked old the fur was discolored and smelled horrible it had stains on some places I felt sick.

"This was a prototype as you can see it failed horribly the employees were supposed to test the whole suit but as a result of that they died it wasn't a terrible loss though I still created a masterpiece, Spring-Bonnie if you will." William creepily smirked to himself he then set his sights on me, "why don't you wear it?"

"Excuse me? I'm not stupid I know what type of suits you're referring to." I implied narrowing my gaze.

Afton chuckled setting the arm on the metal table, then began to fiddle around with it until the thing opened, it revealed the sharp spring locks inside the arm flakes of mustered blood-covered some.

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now