Chapter 22

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Credits: @squid_nuudel on TikTok


"Hey, mom I'm just letting you know that I'm fine and I was staying at Afton's house last night. I'll be back home today. Call me when you get the time." I sighed after I hung up the phone, only being met with the answer machine. William then began to call my name his voice echoing down the hallway of his house. I left the kitchen phone and met up with him at the front door.

Afton stared at me for a few moments, I think he picked up from the disappointed look on my face that I didn't get a response from my mom.

He breathed out, pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Great. Another problem I need to deal with; you." Afton mumbled under his breath but made it severely clear that this annoyed him.

I hardened my gaze at him and crossed my arms. "Oh get over it William," I said bitterly.

Afton rolled his eyes at this and ignored my answer with the irritation on his face growing. He turned away from me and started to walk to his car, I locked the front door behind me and quickly caught up with Afton.

We both got inside his car. William stuck the car in reverse drove off his driveway and onto the main road. I leaned my head against the window and began watching cars and houses pass by. The silence in the atmosphere in the car was growing a bit uncomfortable, I decided to turn on the radio to make the tension less unwelcoming.

Afton took his focus off the road for a second to catch a glimpse of my hand touching the radio. He didn't address any of my movements instead he turned the radio off as soon as I turned it on.

I was about to protest until William cut me off, "We're not listening to any of the crap music on the radio. If you want a more noisy atmosphere then you can get out and walk."

I closed my mouth, turning my head away from Afton to face the window again. A few minutes slowly went by, and we were drawing closer to the diner. The silent tension in the car was surprisingly broken early by William as he decided to speak.

"Y/n quick thing I want to mention before we walk into the diner" Afton lingered on his words for a minute, concentrating on the intersection for a second. "I won't be in my office this afternoon, there's a kid's party booked for Spring Bonnie, so I'll be out in the main area in the spring-lock suit."

I took my focus off our outside surroundings and I put my attention all on Afton. I was a bit sceptical and mildly worried about his afternoon plans.

"Uh, are you sure that's smart?" I replied, half questioning him.

"I've been using the spring-lock suits for years; a minor inconvenience won't ruin my performance" Afton replied arrogantly.

I sighed with frustration in my voice, "Fine. Suit yourself."

After we attempted a conversation, William turned into the parking lot and turned the car into a empty space.

I left the car first and Afton did the same not a moment after me. We entered the diner and William went straight to his office, he most likely wanted to get away from the kids and parents that start coming through the doors.

While all the parents and children started to come in I had a short amount of time until the party, which means I had just enough time to run a quick routine maintenance on Spring bonnie. I made my way to parts and services and closed the door behind me.

Both spring-lock suits were placed near the corner. I carefully picked up the Spring bonnie suit and put it on the metal table.


I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now