Chapter 5

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I have no idea what to put for this picture ._. but it's amazing

My eyes slowly started to drift open, I tried to sit up, but a sharp pain slashed through me preventing me from moving.

Once my sight adjusted to the bright room, I realized I was in a hospital bed the only things that surrounded me was the window on the right side of me with the white curtain pulled back to let in the blinding sun, then there was a chair on the left me as well as a drip filled with blood attached to my lower arm.

Soon my memory came back to me in fragments, then I finally realized what caused the pain.


The son of bitch stabbed me, at least he's either dead or in prison he deserves to rot in hell for killing those kids.

I was cut off from what I was thinking about realizing that someone had just come in. I smile when I saw who it was, "Hey long time no see Ella?" I asked a little weakly.

She was wearing her signature outfit, her hair still the same as before it seemed nothing had changed.

"Y/n you are such an idiot."

Jeez, not the 'hello' I was expecting.

"That's a little rude to say to your best friend, don't ya think?" I responded in a joking manner; Ella just glared right back at me not looking amused.

She came walking towards me then sat in the chair next to me, "It's not when you couldn't even be bothered to tell me you nearly died."

"Your joking, right? Just repeat what you said, slowly, 'You nearly died, I couldn't exactly talk to you while I was unconscious Ella unless you want me to learn how to text while I'm in the middle of dying."

"Yes, that's what I would like you to do common sense tells you to text your friend before you die."

I gave her a look of 'seriously?'

I sighed glancing at her and then at the door then back to her, "You know that's physically impossible right?"

Ella reacted with a suspicious 'Uh huh' with a grin now plastered on her face, I rolled my eyes at her having a smile creep onto mine.

"So other than you almost dying how do you feel? Are you ok? What happened?" Ella was almost up in my face, but she meant well even if her moods changes quickly.

"Well I was stabbed by a yellow bunny first of all and no I wasn't ok it hurt like a motherfucker before, still hurts a bit now if I move, and yeah basically that's what happened in a nutshell."

Ella's expression dropped she looked almost disappointed in my story.

"Really? That's it, I was hoping you fought someone to the death! Or at least caught the murder..." Ella then travelled off her sentence, her excitement fading away.

I tried to bring the conversation back up and talk about anything other than what happened with me and William I might have to say a few things, I didn't want to exactly talk about right now.

"So what happened with you while you were gone?" I asked watching Ella snap back into reality.

"Oooh you know the-"

We both turned our heads to the opening door, I expected it to be the nurse or something until I saw my uncle walkthrough and-

Shit. Welp, I'm dead either way, there's literally no point in me being in the hospital anymore.

Ella then looked back at me and flashed me a confused look while subtly nodding towards the child murderer himself, William fucking Afton.

Both Henry and Afton came beside me, Henry next to Ella and William was on my right, standing uncomfortably close to me.

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now