Chapter 20

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This chapter might be a bit long. 


Andye and me were driving to the new restaurant that she wanted to go to after our shift had ended. 

It really wasn't that far from Fredbears, but it still felt that we weren't getting anywhere. I leaned my head against the window and stared at the surroundings going past me.

The rest of the car ride was silent apart from the rain that would occasionally hit the windshield. Andye soon pulled up to the restaurant's car park and chose an empty spot where she could park her car.

We both got out and started to run toward the entrance not wanting to get drenched in rain.

We soon entered the restaurant and sat down in a booth close to the back of the building.

"So Y/n what are you getting?" Andye asked getting a menu from the side of the table and looking through it.

I picked one up as well and began to look through it too. After careful consideration I knew what I was going to go with, "I think I'm going to have f/f (favourite food)."

"Ooo~ nice, I think I'm going to get a burger. I'm not that hungry, to be honest," Andye replied closing the menu up and putting it back down on the table.

"That's fair enough."

We waited in the booth for a couple of minutes before a waitress came up to our table with a notepad and pen in hand, "What can I get ya?" she asked with a southern accent to her voice.

Andye ordered first, "Can I have a burger please with a drink of sparkling water." The waitress wrote Andye's order down on her notepad then she eyed me and turned in my direction waiting for my order next.

"Can I get f/f with an f/d (favourite drink) please."

The waitress then wrote my order down on her notepad. "Your order will be out shortly." She then left our table to serve the other one next to us.

When the waitress left Andye turned her attention back to me with a serious expression on her face. "Y/n I need to ask you something. I didn't want to talk about it in the pizzeria because it looked like you were stressed enough about it." Andye sighed, she was looking a bit anxious. "How are you feeling about Charlie?"

I tensed up at the question, understanding the reason now why she was so anxious. "Oh, I'm-"

"Don't you dare lie to me and say that your 'fine' or 'ok' I saw how you looked in William's office, your face literally said everything."

"-You see Andye I can't tell you the truth if I wanted to that's how Charlie died," I said being very vague with my answer.

Andye stared at me with a questioned gaze. She looked sort of worried by my response. "Y/n are you ok? I'm starting to worry about you now. You're not blaming yourself, right? You know it's not your fault that Charlies gone."

I sighed, turning my head away from Andye. I didn't know what to say, I wanted to tell her but if Afton got wind of this he would kill Andye and try to blame it on me again. "I want to tell you the truth, really I do but I can't."

Andye was about to speak up until a different waitress came to our table putting the drinks we ordered in front of us, momentarily interrupting our conversation. "Your dinner will be out soon ladies."

The waitress left quicker than when she arrived leaving us to our conversation again.

"Well, what I was about to say was, why can't you just tell me? I'm very worried about you, after the incident you've been acting really weird like you're watching your back all the time. Sometimes you even look paranoid when you go to parts and services."

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now