Chapter 3

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"Hm... purple suits you dear, you should wear the color more often," Afton said, arms crossed and hitting me with a wink along with a playful smile at me.

I tutted, rolling my eyes in return "Was that your pathetic attempt at flirting?" William then chuckled, grabbing my waist with one hand while his other was intertwined with mine.

I glared in his direction.

"Many people fall my charms Y/n-"

"Well, I'm not those people! You use your so-called charm to lie and get people to trust you, I will never  trust you." I freed my bounded hand and used it to remove William's hands from my body.

 He then leaned back on his desk and stared blankly at me seeming to be disappointed in my action and words.

"We'll see about that love, we'll see." Afton then steered his direction towards the clock on the wall, "I guess you should be leaving now Y/n I think you spent enough time doing nothing, you should have started work ages ago."

Sighing I waved William off and left his office.

I knocked twice on Henry's office door until I was invited in.

"Oh, Y/n perfect I was just about to find you." Henry pulled a paper from undeath other pieces of parchment and handed it to me, "here's your routine and if you need any help, you know where to find me."

Looking down at the list it was pretty short, but the tasks were long; my job mostly consisted of engineering work or general things, like maintenance of the animatronics, fixing the electrical wiring across the stage like the lights or speakers, and lastly watching over the place during work hours to make sure the kids didn't touch or break Spring-Bonnie or Fredbear.

"Right. Totally ready." I replied trying to sound optimistic. Which failed.

"Don't worry Y/n I taught you well, you're just as good as your father."

My expression soured I turned away mumbling a response "Yeah alright."


Me and Andye stared at the panel we were both on the brink of giving up, in unison we both sighed annoyed. I untangled the last wire and reconnected it with the red one, Andye turned her head upwards I followed her line of sight.

The light above the stage flickered on then off before staying its natural red color.

"FiNaLly-! Fucking hell that took longer than it should have!" Andye groaned facepalming. I snickered to myself then closed the panel.

"Don't celebrate just yet we need to look over Spring-Bonnie and Fredbear" I leaned against the wall answering with a jokey tone. Andye put her hand on my shoulder and smiled at me.

"Well, then we better get started."

I gave a small smile in return pushing myself off the wall, we both climbed the stairs to the stage where Spring-Bonnie and Fredbear were still active from this morning. I couldn't help but remember what William said about children out of all the things he could say he chose to say something pretty shit.

He's beyond fucked up at this point, I wouldn't be surprised if he's the reason behind these killings.

"Earth to Y/n? Hey? Ya with me?" I felt Andye begin to vigorously shake me while yelling at me.

Andye, why must you do this?

"Don't worry jeez I'm alive, I'm a hard bitch to kill" I flashed Andye a cocky smirk. She in return rolled her eyes in a not-so-serious way.

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now