Chapter 21

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Credits: @ViceraVermilli1


"For your information William, I'm turning 25 in a few months," I said defensively.

"Well, somehow you still act like a child, you're hardly mature."

"Pft fine then if your so mature how old are you then?" I asked with a smug grin on my face.

"28," he replied simply.

"Wow, your old," I said teasing him.

Afton turned his gaze toward me for a second and responded to my comment sounding sort of offended, "I'm not that old."

I giggled a little at his remark. "You really are."

After my response, Afton didn't say anything to me after that.

The rest of the car ride to William's house was silent and a little awkward from time to time but in under a few minutes we finally arrived. Afton drove onto the driveway and set his car in park.

We both got out of the car and began walking toward the front door. Once Afton opened it he gestured for me to go in first, I did so and made my way to the living room. William followed not long after and plonked himself on the couch.

I was going to as well but then I realized I was still in wet clothes, and I had no other clothes to wear. Fuck.

"Hey Afton, do you have any clothes I can borrow?" I asked, my question getting his attention.

He sighed and lazily pointed towards the stairs, "Uh, yeah. Just go into my room and pick any of my clothes and by the way you can have a shower if you want to, you know just so you don't smell like rainwater."

"Thanks..." I responded, dragging out the word a little sarcastically.

He has the fucken audacity to say I smell like rainwater. Wow.

I made my way to William's bedroom and closed the door, locking it behind me. I walked into his closest and it was no surprise that most of his clothes were purple.

I can't wait to look like a grape.

I went through the clothes that were neatly hanging on a hanger and decided to go with a short-sleeved purple button-up and a black pair of shorts. Once I decided what I was going to wear I placed the outfit on the bed and got ready to have a shower.


After I finally finished in the shower I came out with a towel around me and quickly got dressed into the clothes I picked out. I then went back into the bathroom to see if Afton had a hairdryer but nope nothing.

Looks like I need to make do with a towel.

Once I was finished doing what I needed to do in Afton's bedroom I picked up my wet clothes and towel to see if I could find his laundry. Luckily it was just downstairs in another room at the end of the hallway.

I walked toward the laundry and dumped my clothes and the towel in the laundry basket. I then made my way back to the living room and was greeted by the smell of alcohol. Lovely.

Afton was slumped on the couch holding a bottle of booze while 4 more bottles surrounded him. I rolled my eyes at him, "William what the hell are you drinking for? You look like an alcoholic." I said plainly.

He now noticed my gaze and glared in my direction taking a sip from the bottle he was holding before he spoke, "Why can't I? And I'm far from being an alcoholic Y/n" Afton's words were slurred and I could barely understand him through his slight hiccups.

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now