Chapter 17

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*Art by dummywums*

'Once the golden bunny heard my friends scream he walked over to the Bonnie torso and began to manhandle it, trying to forcefully open the chest cavity. I remember that I started to panic and in the heat of that moment I kicked open Bonnie's chest cavity with my foot, I saw the bunny stumble back from me and my friend.

I grabbed my friend's hand and bolted toward the door. I could hear her whimpers and sobs from behind me as I tried to drag her out of the back room and into the main part of the pizzeria. I reach for the door and to my luck, it wasn't locked.

Then I remembered that I pulled my best friend out of the way just in time... The golden bunny held a knife above its head and was about to strike my friend that was until I pulled her out of the way and pushed her outside the back room.

I was about to run out as well, but I was too late, and the bunny grasped me by my arm and yanked my body backward. That's when I came face to face with it, fear present in my eyes. The golden bunny laughed from behind its spring lock head. The bunny drew the blade down and pointed it directly at my stomach.'

I woke up almost immediately after the nightmare-ish memory, I sighed, having hoped that they would just magically disappear, but considering how much bad luck I've been having lately, it probably wouldn't.

I sat up from my current sleeping position and I noticed that William was no longer in his office. I turned my gaze toward the clock on the wall, '10:00'.

I sighed feeling sort of relieved that I didn't sleep for a long time. I got from the couch I was on and went straight toward the office door, I reached for the door handle but as soon as my fingertips touched it someone from the other side got to it first and opened it for me.

Stepping back from the opening door I expected it to be Henry or Afton, but it wasn't. It was William's ex-wife?

What the hell is she doing here.

"Oh, Y/n I didn't realize you were in here," Clara said looking at me with a surprised face.

"No it's fine, don't worry about it. I was just leaving anyway-"

"No, wait Y/n. Stay for a minute I want to talk to you about... something" Clara's voice trailed off her sentence.

I looked at her confused, but I complied with her request and went to sit back down on the couch again. She came into Afton's office and closed the door behind her, sitting opposite from me. Clara began to speak. "Y/n I need to talk to you about William."

It's always about him.

"Yeah of course. What about him?" I asked.

"You two are dating, right? Well, I wanted to tell you that being with William is the worst mistake you can make. And I'm not trying to control your life- you can be with whoever you want- I'm genuinely trying to say he's the worst man you'll ever meet." Clara's voice was sincere and by her tone, I could tell she was truly concerned for me.

I sighed; I knew this topic was going to get brought up. "No, we're not. I need to tell you the truth because obviously William couldn't be fucked too" I paused trying to think of a way to put it gently to Clara what Afton's true intentions were, "Well the truth is William lied to you. Me and him aren't dating and I would never be in love with someone like him. He said that we were dating to try and make you jealous."

Clara gazed at me with relief in her eyes. She leaned back on the couch her body was no longer tensed and she seemed to actually relax, unbothered that Afton wanted to try and piss her off.

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now