Chapter 8

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I groaned and opened my eyes, I then instantly sat up when I realized, I wasn't in my own home but an unfamiliar room. The walls were decorated with the ugliest wallpaper I've ever seen a few drawers were next to me, and the room had a walk-in closet and a bathroom attached to it.

I then looked beside me to see a figure in the bed. I jumped in surprise causing me to fall off the bed and hit my head on the drawers next to me.

"OW! Fuck-!" I yelped

Once I opened my eyes I was greeted with a knife at my throat and a tired-looking William who could barely see straight.

"Afton, do you mind!" I yelled which caused him to wake up and realize what he had done.

He sat back on the bed, I got up from the floor.

I then swiftly grasped the pillow next to me and began hitting William with it.

"You. Better. Fucking. Explain!" I said in syllables to match the rhythm of the pillow.

Afton then grabbed a hold of the pillow yanked it away from my grip and threw it across the room.

"Y/n you have a minute to explain what you're doing in my fucking bedroom let alone my house."

"You dumb British man; I think you should ask yourself that I was the one who passed out in your arms."

I then watched as Afton's face drained of all colors, "Shit."

"Yep, my guess is something fucked you over and you resulted to cheap booze got drunk and now have a hangover and can't remember anything from last night..." I had a smug look plastered on my face.

"Shut it Y/n" William spoke through his teeth as he got from the bed.

"Did you at least call Henry to tell him that I was here so he could call my mom?" I asked following William out of his bedroom.

"No I didn't, you can do that yourself now" William answered back plainly.

"Wow someone isn't in a good mood, heh serves you right prick."

During that moment all the events from last night came back to me so I was pretty petty.

We both walked down the stairs and I headed straight for the landline to call Henry.

"Hello Henry, it's me Y/n."

"Y/n?! Thank god your safe me and your mom was so bloody worried, I came to pick you up last night because your mom was running late and wouldn't have enough time but when I got to Fredbears everything was locked up and I could see no sign of you."

"Oh yeah, well William suggested for me to stay at his place, he didn't know where I lived, and he didn't want to disturb you, so I agreed to it."

Great cover-up story Y/n... he's totally not going to fall for that.

"That's alright Y/n I'm just glad to know that your safe I'll call your mom so she will be able to pick you up from Wills's house, oh! And while I'm talking to you now, you don't need to come into Fredbears today, me and Will need to work out a lot of paperwork for the pizzeria."

Alright, then I guess I was wrong.

"Oh, that's alright Henry I might come in later this afternoon with Andye and Ella to go on the arcade machines and hang about there for a while to pass the time."

"That would be great Y/n, well I guess I might see you this afternoon, bye Y/n I love you."

"Bye Henry, I love you too."

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now