Chapter 11

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Sorry if this chapter is short and sort of boring, I had writer's block .-. 


"No Michael didn't tell me I guess it must have slipped his mind, well William at least you're here now, I'm sure you wouldn't mind looking after the kids."

Afton's grin dropped he unhooked his arm from my waist and lightly pushed me to the side away from him, crossing his arms he groaned in annoyance, "Clara dear me and Y/n didn't skip out on work just look after your children."

Clara looked at William shocked.

"My children? There also your  children Afton!" Clara lectured point her finger at William.

I felt light stings began to prick at my neck in a reaction I pressed my hand against the tie to feel the cloth, I bought my hand back in front of me and I started to eternally panicked, blood-stained my fingertips.

"Hey William, not to rush your whole family issues or anything but remember why we came here," I whispered and pulled him down to my level by his collar.

William glanced at my neck for a minute his eyes were wide but didn't panic, he cursed under his breath and straightened his back, my grip on his collar slipped away.

"Sorry to burst your bubble Clara, but I didn't come here to argue with you."

William then grabbed my hand and took me into his house. He led me upstairs into his room and locked the door behind him.

He directed me towards the bed, gesturing me to sit.

William then walked into his bathroom and bought out a first aid kit and a wet cloth, he placed himself next to me and started to unwrap the bloodied tie from my neck.

"I apologize Y/n, you didn't need to see my relationship issues," William said breaking the little silence between us.

I gazed at him with half-lidded eyes, replying with a question, "Speaking of relationships... why did you say that me and you were a thing to your ex-wife?"

William smiled a little at this, he then began to get a wet cloth and gently wipe the dried blood from my neck, before answering the question.

"For my ex-wife to leave me alone and not pester me about getting back together."

I turned a little to face William who had a full smile plastered on his face, I knew by that smile his intent was to make Clara jealous or at least upset, I knew him too well when it came to him taking pleasure out of peoples suffering.

"I don't believe you, we both saw how jealous and uncomfortable Clara looked, you wanted to manipulate her emotions for your own pleasure."

William's smile turned into a slight smirk, once he was done cleaning the blood from my neck, he wrapped the bandages around it.

"Well Y/n it's already been a week and you've already figured me out, you're astonishing" William complimented, I think.

I felt a small blush form on my cheeks, William sounded as though he would only say those words to a select few.

"I've actually known you for at least almost two weeks, I'm not that  astonishing, some people would have already figured that out" I joked, trying to get over the compliment.

William shrugged his shoulders and stood up from the bed taking the first aid and the now bloody wet cloth in his hand.

"Love most people can't see through my charms or manipulations, so consider yourself astonishing to me, let's just say you've earned part of my respect."

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now