Chapter 9

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This chapter is a bit long- but I hope you enjoy it! :p


The car ride there was mostly noisy, we just kept making up jokes and listening to the music the whole way. Once we arrived, we all rushed out of the car and ran towards the cinema knowing damn well we were late.

"Whose big brain idea was to book the movie at 2:30!" I yelled almost out of breath.

"I don't know Y/n!" Ella yelled backed.

We raced to the counter to the staff our tickets, we quickly got a bucket of popcorn and a two fantas plus a drink of my choice.  We jogged to theatre room eleven where the movie was being played and quickly went to our seats With our popcorn and three drinks,

I sat in the middle of Andye and Ella in the middle row.

Which was always the best seats.

We all got here just in time as the movie began to play.

"What movie is this?" I whispered to Ella.

"It's the FNAF movie" Ella responded while eating popcorn.

I gazed at her looking confused.

"The what movie?" I asked

She sighed and looked at me "Five Nights At Freddy's? It's based on one of the old locations Henry used to own but everyone turned it into a creepypasta, or I don't know a video game, this movie is based on the murders, I swear Y/n you live under a rock."

Ella turned back to face the movie screen.

I was left feeling awkward, eternally I screamed, not wanting to be here but I had to be here.

This movie is going to be so weird to watch, I know literally everything, therefore, I'm going to be criticizing how wrong it is.


Halfway through the movie I had the sudden urge to go to the bathroom, I tapped Andye on the shoulder to let her know where I was going, then I did the same with Ella and hurried out of the theatre into the main area of the cinema.

I paced to the bathroom not looking where my feet were directing me, I bumped into a person, stumbling back on my heels I quickly regained my balance and turned my vision upwards to see a face that filled me with dread.

I stared at Jax a 'popular' boy in my grade who wasn't exactly fond of me or Ella, we had a couple of unpleasant experiences with each other when our friendship ended, he wanted to make my life hell, a longing desire of his I assumed.

I took a step back and went to circle around him to get to the bathroom, but his hand gripped my arm. I stiffened at his touch, I wasn't hasty with the hardened glare I set on him as I looked over my shoulder.

"Y/n out of all the people I could have bumped into, it had to be you."

I smirked at Jax relaxing my posture, a grin threatened to tug at my lips and a burning satisfaction of playfulness started to well up inside of me.

"Jax long time no see, huh?" I laughed lightly a taunting smile appeared on my face as Jax was annoyed at my response, he couldn't get any fulfillment from me if I wasn't complying with his little game, but I've played enough of Afton's games to know Jax is no threat.

He clenched his teeth and reacted in a violent way, that being he tugged on my arm trying in his best efforts to get me on the ground but I faltered for a moment then recuperated my stance and snickered at his attempt to hurt me.

I Will Never Trust You *William Afton x Reader*Where stories live. Discover now