Love Me

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Love Me

I had rejected love before I even knew what it was,

Why would somebody love me?

Especially after knowing who I was...

I could never give love and I could never be loved.

I am broken,

I will never be strong enough.

Loving me would simply be wrong,

I am worth nothing at all.

And no one should think highly of me,

I will never be enough,

And for me that's okay,

But nobody should have to suffer this way,

Just because they want to show me that I can be loved.

I'll only hurt them so it doesn't make sense.

I am like a string of bad luck,

And I kill everything I touch.

Everybody deserves to be happy,

Everybody deserves love,

Everybody but me.

The garbage in the street is worth than I could ever dream,

So why would someone want to love me?


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