Who Am I?

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Who Am I?(2)

Who am I?

I don't know.

Who am I?

I might be a lost soul.

Who am I?

A loner for sure.

Who am I?

Someone resting from the cold.

Who am I?

Something I don't know.

Who am I?

A gush of wind no-one ever talks about.

Who am I?

A lifeless creature walking the earth.

Who am I?

Someone hungry for life but is starving.

Who am I?

Nothing important.

Who am I?

A butterfly in its cocoon.

Who am I?

Someone who will soon make you swoon.

Who am I?

A tree that is growing.

Who am I?

Everything you are and more.

Who am I?

I am Yin.

Who am I?

I am Yang.

Who I am?

A fire child.

Who am I?

When the time is right, we will all know, what or who I am and where I will go.

Who am I?

I don't know.

Who am I?

I must be a lost soul.


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