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I can feel the room growing smaller and smaller.

As the room gets smaller my chest gets tighter,

I try to take deep breaths but I can't

I feel like I'm suffocating and I need it to stop.

I'm trying to call for help but no one hears me because I can't even hear myself.

I'm afraid to close my eyes because I fear I will die.

I can feel my heart hammering against my chest and I feel a little faint.

I want to stand but I can't feel my feet.

My head spins and I feel nauseous.

I'm trembling and I'm drenched in sweat.

I'm praying for somebody to let me out.

Praying that good will deliver me from this misfortune.

I feel like the room is closing in on me,

I cannot breathe.

I want to move but I've gotten weak.

If someone doesn't set me free from this place

I'm surely going to die


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