Eye of my Storm

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Eye of My Storm

I dusted my sheets and closed my eyes to sleep,

Nighttime is the only time I can get peace,

But tonight,

Instead of peace I get chaos,

I closed my eyes and I began to drown, darkness is all around.

My chest is tight and I can feel a force pulling on my soul,

I can't breathe and everything is still,

The beat of my heart is the only sound I can hear.

I am about to die that much is clear.
I forced my eyes open and it was all gone,

Everything was bright and everything was calm.

It was as if nothing had happened at all,

I closed my eyes again and there it was.

I felt like my soul was slipping into darkness,

This time there wasn't a silver of a doubt that death was here and it had come for me.

I've never been this scared in my life,

I always wanted to die, but I expected it to be sudden and not taunting.

The pull I felt is something I will never forget,

I could feel the life drain from me. And without even noticing I started calling for God,

I told Him take me in His hand.

I begged for forgiveness,

I begged to be released from this dark grip.

And he heard me,

And he touched me,

And he delivered me,

And I prayed the entire night,

And I prayed to make up for lost time.

Little did I know that God lifted me from troubled waters,

Right into the eye of my own storm.


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