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He made me a little better

Stuck by my side through any weather

Made me see life in a different light

Made me see what it felt like to really smile

Made me forget how much I had suffered

Made me believe that one day I could be getting better

I'll never forget him though he crushed all my hopes

He believed in me like no one had before

Protected me from myself and so much more

Made me feel as if one day I could be something more than just a bore.

But in the end the vipers won

And my head was once again their playground

I don't have enough guts to glance in mirrors anymore

I got myself out of cutting the other day but that's over now

The cuts are now deeper

My mind is wilder

The urge to die spreads as fast as wild fire

Just when I thought I found a cure

The wheel started cranking up once more.


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