My Life

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My Life

I have a life but I have never lived before

When I close my eyes, I imagine myself in places I've never been before.

I want to live this life but I can't,

I can't even get over myself and open the door,

To let people in my life to let them teach me how to love and be loved.

I wish I could trust my friends, I wish I could let them in,

But I fear they'll hurt me and so I can't let them come in.

I'm searching for who I am and heart break isn't the way to go,

Friends can break your heart too or did you think that's just a rumor somebody made up while they were on the road?

I want to live and be free,

Go places and run along the beach,

But if I can't accept myself and be happy, how will I be able to truly let my insecurities go and enjoy myself and my life?


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