Risk of Running Out of Love

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Risk of Running Out of Love

It's crazy how you can know when a person's purpose in your life has been completed,

It's been a year since I met you,

Yes you, the one who inspired me to take a few steps back and actually change.

I owe so much to you,

And I don't know if I will ever get to thank you,

But I hope I do,

It's more evident to me now than it was then,

That changing was more for me than it was for you,

The feelings I thought I had for you were what inspired me to be more, and now that I am more I don't even want to look at you,

I don't mean this to offend you,

I just mean that now that I have accepted myself,

And now that I know just how much I am worth,

I don't think I want to be involved with another of your kind,

I want to be mine, and only mine

I want to develop myself and I want to get well,

I don't want to have to depend on anybody to balance my mental health,

And yes I know I had said that I would lend you my love,

But I can't because I need all my love,

I'll searching for who I want to become and I can't run the risk of running out of love.

I'll kiss you on the cheek as a "thank you" if I see you again though because you play a major role in who I'm about to become.


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