Kindness Will Follow You

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Kindness Will Follow You.

Sometimes you have to lose the battles in order to win the war,
It's true, just ask your battle scars.
When you lose you learn lessons and as such you can't win everything.
The only thing that matters is that after the battles are fought, and the rage of war dies you should be standing on the triumphant side.
I lost a lot of my battles but I won the war.
I am done being a victim and I am done subjecting myself to fear.
I am who and I am and that is all I will ever be.
And that is okay for me.
We all can't be the same, the world would be bland.
And it's not like we can always be there for each other, hand in hand.
We are different so we'll have differences but I guess that's okay.
Just make sure that at the end of each day,
You are kind to as many people as you can be because you never know what your words will mean.
We are different but there is only one earth, and we all have to be here until it's time for us to go beneath the dirt.
It doesn't take much to be kind,
Words can save a person's life;
Take me for example, words have saved me multiple times. 
Don't be as dumb as the rest of society,
Not because a person doesn't look or behave like you means that they're less important than you.
Be kind always and kindness will follow you.


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