James & Rachel's wedding preview

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Pretty soon it was James and Rachel's wedding day both of them were watching the weather and it was going to be raining all the way up to the wedding, so they had to go with plan B cause they were going to have an outside ceremony and that went out the window

"Well Rachel what is plan B?" James asks her cause he was at a stand still right now with the wedding cause they did not have a plan B cause he wanted their wedding to be magical like Kendall's and Leslie's wedding was, and that was not happening

"Let me think and I will have for you in an hour cause it will be too wet to get married so we have to have it inside some where or try the beach" Rachel says as she had a vision right then and there

"James can we get married on the beach?" she asks him

"Sure we can get married on the beach or anywhere you want to my love" he says as he kisses her

Rachel was going to see if they can get married on the beach that was close tot he house and she was hoping that it was not going to be too wet for the ceremony cause it will bite if she had to get wet sand on her dress. She was able to get the venue that she wanted cause they had an opening last minute, so she booked it, and it was going to be magical and that is what she wanted for the ceremony. She was able to let the guests and everyone know about the last minute changes, and everyone was on board with the beach wedding, and she wanted to get married close to sunset as possible so it was even more magical for them

(Day before wedding)

James and Rachel go to the venue to see if everything was going to plan, and it was cause they hated to have anything else bad happen to them on their wedding day

"Rachel you outdid yourself babe I can't wait till tomorrow when I marry you" he says as they shared a kiss as the girls were exploring a little bit before they had their rehearsal

"I know I did and I have the most amazing fiancé by my side through all of this cause I couldn't do it without you babe cause you are the peanut to my butter" she says as the rest of the wedding party shows up for the rehearsal

The wedding rehearsal went off without a hitch and they were going to have their rehearsal dinner before James and Rachel go their separate ways before the wedding the next day

(Wedding Day)

Rachel and the three flower girls were getting ready in the hotel next to the venue and James was getting ready close by as well cause they wanted to do pictures after the ceremony, and they wanted to do their first look as well before the wedding got started

"Okay I think i am ready to get this show on the road" she says once she was ready to go get married to James and become the new Mrs. Maslow 

Rachel and her flower girls and her bridemaid's left the hotel to head down to the ceremony 

(James's hotel)

"James you nervous?" Kendall asks as they were leaving to go to the venue 

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