Logan teaches Ariel to skateboard

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After a long road of recovery Kristen was allowed to come home to stay with her brothers, and her big sister who missed her a lot

"Logan why are you so happy?" Erin asks as she comes into the nursery to help him with the boys that morning

"Today Kristen comes home after being in the hospital for so long. I have missed her terribly, and i can't wait to see her grow up, crawl, talk, walk" he says as he dresses L.J who was letting daddy take care of him that morning

Erin gets ready to nurse L.J while Logan finished getting him ready for the day

"There you go my boy you look ready to go skateboarding" Logan says as he finishes dressing L.J

"Logan the boys won't skateboard until they are five at least" Erin says as she gets the pillow in place under her cover, so she could nurse L.J while Logan took care of Hortense

"I know I can't wait until i can get them their first skateboard and the three of us can go skateboarding down the boardwalk, and I can teach them some tricks and all sorts of good stuff" Logan says as he gets Hortense out of his crib since Logan and Erin wanted the boys to sleep by themselves a little bit at night instead of being with mommy and daddy

"Logan if you want to skateboard so bad why don't you teach Ariel you have time this morning since we can't get Kristen until this evening cause they are going to run test to make sure her heart is strong enough to beat on it's on without going into a fib or she quits breathing" Erin says as she nurses L.J who was extremely hungry that morning

'I think i will I'll take her to get her first skateboard, and maybe later we can go down to the pier, and teach her how to skateboard while you stay home with the boys, and get everything ready for Kristen homecoming like change her name from Krista to Kristen cause Kristen Henderson sounds way better then Krista" he says as he takes care of Hortense umbilical cord that fell off

After L.J was done nursing after a while Logan took him downstairs for a bit while he gets Ariel her breakfast cause she is going to be up at any moment


"Morning princess" he says as he gives her juice and her vitamin that she takes in the morning when she eats her breakfast, so she can continue to grow big and strong

"Morning daddy" Ariel says as she climbs into her seat, so she can eat the breakfast that daddy served her

"Did you sleep good princess?" he asks her

She nods happily

"Today daddy is going to teach her how to skateboard, so me and you can skateboard together" he says as he serves her breakfast

Ariel was excited to learn how to skateboard, and she couldn't wait until they left to get her first skateboard, so they could go to the pier to go skateboarding together just the two of them

"I thought you will be excited for that princess" he says as he serves Erin her breakfast cause she came down with Hortense a few minutes later

Logan, Erin and Ariel had a great breakfast talk that morning at breakfast time. Erin voluntered to do the dishes, so Logan and Ariel can get going to the toy store while Erin took care of the boys, and got the house ready for Kristen to come

"Ariel are you ready to go get your very first skateboard?" he asks her

"Yes daddy I am" she says happily to him

"That's good come on then" he says as he takes her out to his car, so they could head to the toy store to go shopping for the skateboard that he was going to get Ariel

Logan buckles her in her car seat, so they could get going

(Toy store)

"Since you are starting out skateboarding we are going to get you a starter skateboard" he says as they head into the toy store to get the skateboard for her

Ariel picks out a Minnie Mouse skateboard to have, and Logan got a new skateboard cause the one that he had was starting to wear out a little bit from riding around so much

"Now to get you your safety gear cause mommy will yell at me If you don't have a helmet or pads on you" he says as he goes get s the safety gear that they were going to need

Logan pays for the purchases and him and Ariel to head to the pier, so they could skateboard a little bit just the two of them


"Now to put your helmet on your head, and your pads on. We can skateboard a little bit" he says as he puts her helmet on her head, and then her knee and elbow pads

"Ariel do you color with your right or left?" he asks her

Ariel puts up her right hand

"Okay we are going to start slow, so you can get the basics" he says as he gets the skateboards out of the trunk, so they can their lesson

"Okay" she says as she gets her skateboard that he got out for her, so they could start their lesson

Logan went sloe with her, so she picks up on how to get on the skateboard, and how to push off with her one leg

"You are doing it Ariel" he says when he sees her push off and go ahead of her

Ariel was happy that she picked up that part of the lesson

"Now you got to keep your balance while your skateboard, so you don't fall off the skateboard" he says as he ctahces up to her to shoe her how to keep her balance as she skateboards

(Much later)

"You are doing so good Ariel" he says as he skateboards next to her as the skate the pier together just the two of them

"Can we play some games daddy?" she asks him

"Sure you deserved it sweetie" he says as he takes her over to the games, so she could have a bit of fun since they were at the pier

Logan had her play the easy games, and she won the big animals all the time which she was happy about

"I think we are going to get some ice cream, and then we are going to go home" he says after he loaded the stuffed animals in the car

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