Getting Krista and the boys checked out

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"Here we go Ariel daddy is going to put you over here while he takes care of your sister and your baby brothers" Logan says as he puts Ariel off to the side of the emergency room

"Yes I'm here to admit Krista, Logan junior and Hortense Henderson cause our pediatrician told us to bring them both in to be examined" he tells the receptionist

"Okay here are some forms would you care to register?" The receptionist asks him

Logan fills out the paperwork as quick as he could, so all three babies could be seen by the doctor on call

(Much later)

"Man my hand hurts from writing so much" he says as he shakes his hand to free the cramps that were happening

Logan returns the forms to the window, so the boys could be registered as well as little Krista who was back there crying out for her daddy cause she was not a happy camper

"Okay mr. Henderson you can bring the kids back, so we can get them checked out to see what the reason is for them to be admitted" the nurse tells him

The boys got split up one went with Krista and the other was with daddy

"L.J you are going to be with your sister while I stay with your brother in the other exam room, but the rooms are connecting, so he isn't that far away" he says as he puts L.J on the bed that was next to Krista

Logan says hi to her

"Hi big girl" he says as he picks her up to hold her cause right now she wasn't a happy camper at all

Once Krista was with daddy she was happy once more

"I knew you wanted daddy" he says as he rocks her in his arms to get her to settle down once more while they wait for the doctor to come in to exam each of the babies

"Oh Krista daddy thinks you are getting your first tooth" he says when she opens her mouth and he sees something sticking up in her little mouth

Logan goes and gets her a teething ring to help with the pain

"Here we go daddy kept one on hand just in case you did get your first tooth" he says as he gives her teething ring to gum on

Once she had her teething ring she was better and he was able to set her down on the bed while he took Hortense and Ariel who was still sleeping in the other room to wait on the doctor

"What L.J are you hungry my boy?" he asks the baby that was crying

Logan goes and gets a bottle for the baby boy

"Here we go my boy" he says as he gives the bottle to the baby that was still crying

Once L.J had the bottle he started to drink the formula

"there we go" Logan says as L.J was drinking the formula

As Logan fed his son he was amazed at how much he looks like him

"Eat up, so you can grow big and strong" Logan tells the baby who was still drinking his formula

Once L.J was done Logan put him on his lap and started to burp his son

"There we go that's what daddy wanted to come out of you" he says when L.J let out some good burps

Logan put L.J on his shoulder and rubbed his back a little bit, and L.J let out some more burps that Logan didn't expect

"Okay Hortense I'll feed you too" Logan says when he hears hos other son crying from the other room

Hortense was much different then his brother he took half the bottle, and didn't let out any burps at all. By this time the doctor on call came to check all three babioes to see if they needed to be admitted or not


"Well by the looks of things all three babies need to be admitted" the doctor tells Logan

"What's Krista getting admitted for?" Logan asks the doctor

"Her oxygen levels are now and her heartrate doesn't have a steady beat, so I want to monitor that carefully to see if she has a birth defect that went unchecked" the doctor tells him

"The boys are going up to the NICU?" Logan asks the doctor

"Yes cause they are a bit premature for their age, so we want to montior them carefully as well" the doctor says to him

"Understandable i want all of my kids healthy" Logan tells him

Soon three nurses come in two of them had incubators, and one had a crib that didn't look safe at all

"No way that my daughter is going up in that" he says to the nurse

"Sir all of our patients who can't be in a bed go up in this" the nurse tells him

"Not my daughter I'll walk her upstairs myself thank you very much" he tells the nurse as he grabs Ariel who was still sleeping and carries Krista who was contented in daddy's arms instead of with the nurse

The nurse with the bad crib follows him to the elevator

"Hang on one minute I'm going to have one of my friends come and get Ariel cause this is going to turn into a long night for me" he tells the nurse as he stops to call to see if one of his friends might pick-up

Logan was in luck and Kendall comes to get little Ariel to take her home, so she could sleep in her own bed

"Thanks for coming Kendall cause I'm going to be here awhile" Logan tells him

"Oh you're quite welcome come here big girl" he says as he takes the stroller from Logan

"Bye princess" Logan says as he gives Ariel a kiss on her forehead before Kendall takes her out of the hospital

Ariel stirred but didn't wake at all

"I'll see you in the morning" Logan says as he covers her up with her blanket that he brought with him

"Come Ariel I'll put you in your old room back at our place" Kendall says as he leaves with Ariel

Logan waves bye to her as she leaves the hospital with her Uncle Kendall

"You let's head back to the elevator to go up to your room" he tells Krista

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