Part 5

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Leslie was fully ready to start her new life with Kendall and their two girls

"Okay I'm starting to get jitters," Leslie says as she saw Kendall at the end of the aisle

Soon the music started and the first girl started to go down while her sister was still as a statue right now

"Greta come on sweetie," Kendall says as he was trying to get her to go down the aisle cause she was not moving at all

Greta didn't move she stood still

"Sweetie it's okay," Kendall says as he was going to coach her down the aisle to where he was right now waiting for the bridal party to come down the aisle

Kendall decided to get her wagon and maybe pull her down the aisle if she had freight

"Greta I can pull you down the aisle once daddy gets you your wagon" Leslie says as she looks at the little girl

Greta was okay with that, and she felt better once she was in her wagon

"Okay daddy is going to buckle you in so you don't get out as you go down the aisle" Kendall says as he came with her little wagon that was all decorated for the wedding

Greta was okay cause she had her stuffed animal and she was in her wagon and she was a happy girl

"Okay Greta I'm going to pull you down the aisle as I hang onto my bouquet" Leslie says as the music started again for her to come down the aisle

Greta nods as she hugged her stuffed animal

"Time to get married" Leslie says as here comes the bride starts playing

Leslie walks down the aisle slowly to Kendall and to where he was, and there were pictures being taken and Greta was hating it cause everyone thought she was super cute in her dress and in her wagon as well, and halfway down the aisle she started to get fussy and she wanted to hide cause she didn't want anymore pictures being taken of her

"Come here sweetheart" Leslie says as she was going to scoop her up and hold her and they were going to finish going down the aisle to see Kendall and Kendall might hold her to calm her cries

Greta hid in Leslie neck cause she did not want no more pictures at all, and she was already over the day

"Come here big girl" Kendall says as he moves the vows more to the back so the video camera can be activated so the guests can still see the ceremony and it can be a little private for Greta

Kendall had her binky in his pocket in case this happened

"Here we go" he says as he gives it to her

Greta was very happy with her binky and her stuffed animal for the moment    

"I hope she does not have any more meltdowns" Leslie says as she looked at the little girl who was not happy 

"I hope not either, but you don't know I am going to have her hide during the ceremony cause she hates the cameras" Kendall says as he takes Greta cause she wanted daddy to hold her 

Leslie made it the rest of the way down the aisle and she was grinning from ear to ear cause she was happy she was finally going to see Kendall after all this time

"You look stunning" he says as he was looking at her cause she looked very pretty in her dress and her make-up 

"Thank you and it looks like Greta went to sleep away from the cameras" Leslie says as she sees Greta on the bench away from the cameras sleeping like an angel 

"We are gather here today to witness the marriage of this man and this woman in holy matrimony if anyone has any objection why these two should not be married speak now or forever hold your peace" the preacher says to the crowd 

No one said a word

"Kendall is going to sing the famous song Forever to his bride" the preacher tells the crowd

Kendall went to the piano and started to play the familiar song everyone knew from Full house

(Much later)

Once Kendall was done there wasn't a dry eye in the crowd 

We will continue i hope

Part 6 is up

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