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"Logan can you take one of the twins with you to the hospital?" Erin asks him as he got ready to go to the hospital with Ariel and Anna

"Yeah I can I will take Sky and Trinity with me to the hospital cause I think they want me more right now plus I want to see what is going on with them since their temperature isn't dropping at all since I gave them that medicine, and I want them healthy for the camping trip, and they could be seen too cause it couldn't hurt" he says to her as he grabs the other keys that has the car seats in for the girls

"I'll follow behind with the others" Erin says to him as she gets up

"Sounds like a plan to me babe" he says as he leaves to head for the hospital with the four girls, so they could get the proper treatment, and be seen by a doctor 

Logan gets Sky and Trinity ready to head for the hospital

"Guys we are going to be going to the hospital cause your sisters aren't feeling the best right now" he says as he gets them ready after he has the two head down to the van to head for the hospital

Trinity loved Anna with her heart and wanted to make sure that she was okay

"Oh Trinity that was mighty nice of you" Logan says when he sees Trinity hug her sister as soon as she got in the van to head to the hospital

Trinity was not letting Anna go or Ariel 

"Trinity you have to ride in your car seat" Logan says as he gets Skylar in her car seat to head for the hospital that night to see what was going on with Ariel and Anna

Trinity was not going to budge at all

"Would you like your stuffed animal to hug instead?" he asks her after he got Skylar in her car seat and buckled in

Trinity nods cause she loves her stuffed animal

"Okay baby daddy will be right back with it and you can sleep with it tonight" he says as he goes into the house to get it for her

Once he returns he gives it to her and she immediately hugs it

"Better baby?" he asks her

She nods

"Good now to get you in your car seat to take your sisters to the hospital to see what is going on with them cause they feel icky and they need to feel better" he says as he buckles her in her car seat cause Anna and Ariel were laying down in the backseat and huddling together to keep warm cause they were both cold and not feeling the best right now

Logan gives the two sick girls their pillows to prop their heads up as he drives to the hospital

"Okay girls daddy is heading for the hospital to get you guys checked out" he says as he starts the van to head there cause he had to get the girls taken care of no matter what now

Logan put on his four by four's as he headed for the hospital. As he drove he called the hospital to have to beds waiting outside for him when he arrived cause he had two sick girls and they were feeling the best right now and they were starting to throw up on the way to the hospital


"Okay girls daddy is going to get each of you out one by one, and put you guys on a gurney to go into the hospital to see what is going on with you" he says as he parks up by the emergency room door where the nurses were waiting for him when he pulled into the hospital

Logan worked quickly to get Anna and Ariel out of the van and onto the bed, so they could be seen by the doctor cause he hated to see the girls in pain like this for a long period of time

"Okay Ariel here you go baby doll" he says as he lays her on the bed to go into the hospital to get checked out by the doctor

Ariel did not want to leave daddy at all she wanted daddy to be by her the entire time as soon as she was on the bed cause the nurses looked scary

"Princess I will be right here i promise once Uncle Kendall, James, and Carlos gets here to watch your siblings for me and mommy we will be right there to be with you girls as you guys get checked out and we can hold you" he says as he tries to talk to her to get her onto the bed, so she could be seen by the doctor that was on call that night so she could feel better

"No daddy" Ariel says with tears in her eyes cause she knows what is going to happen to her

"Princess I need to get your sisters out of their car seats once I park the van cause Trinity is getting restless being in her car seat, and once i get you guys registered and everything I will be right there with you I promise you" he says as he tries to get the younger ones out of their car seats and brings them into the hospital as well so they could go play with some toys while they were getting checked out

Ariel really wanted daddy since she wasn't feeling the best at all that night, and Logan sees Kendall come up to the van cause Kendall already parked the car

"Oh Kendall can you get the other two out of their car seats and bring them into the hospital for me please cause Ariel isn't letting me go at all, and maybe park the van as well?" Logan asks when he sees Kendall pull into the hospital cause he got a text from Erin that she is going to come later with Ciara so that have help with all of the little ones that Logan and Erin have 

"Yeah I can do that cause I can clearly see that Ariel wants you with her cause this is a big scary place to her and she doesn't know any better" Kendall says as he gets the keys from Logan to park the van in one of the parking spaces that the hospital has in the emergency area for patients, so Logan could be with Ariel that night as she was being checked out

"Thanks buddy you are the best" Logan says to him as he gets Aral out of her car seat and sits on the bed with her so they could go into the hospital together to see what is going on with her that night since Anna was calling out for him as well that night

"I know I am" Kendall says to Logan as Logan heads into the hospital with Ariel since she wasn't letting daddy go that night at all

The twins were calling out for daddy

"Girls we will see daddy soon I am going to park the car and take you two to him so you guys can see where he is at" Kendall says to the girls

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