Christmas with four kids

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Erin was so glad to be home, so she could bake some fun Christmas cookies for Ariel, and she had a strong sense that Ariel was missing her too much

"Logan we got to go to the hospital cause I want to put the babies stockings in their room, and put some cookies in the room. That way Santa can visit them" Erin calls to him

"I'm coming once you and Ariel is asleep I'm going back to the hospital to play Santa for the babies" he says as they head to the hospital to see the babies

Erin was taking breast milk for all three babies, so they could get stronger and come home in the new year

"I can't wait to see the boys again cause I miss them so much" Logan says as he drives

"I miss Kristen most of all" Erin says as she looks out the window


Logan went to see the boys while Erin went to see Kristen

"I'll see you in the main lobby later" Logan tells her

"Yup I'm going to spend time with Kristen" Erin tells him

"That can be Krista new name Kristen" he says to her

"It sounds cute too let's change it after the holidays" Erin says as she gets off on the floor that Kristen was on, and Logan heads to where the boys were


"How is Hortense and L.J today?" he asks the nurse that was at the window that night

"L.J is doing just fine and can't wait to see you, and Hortense had a bit of a set back but he is going to be just fine" the nurse tells Logan

"That's good" he says as he puts the badge on, so he could go in to see the boys

Logan was happy to see L.J that night, and L.J was happy to see daddy as well

"Daddy can't stay long tonight cause he has to go home, so mommy can put cookies in your and your brother room, so Santa can come tonight to see you, your brother, and your sister who is in a different part of the hospital" Logan says as he rocks his son in his arms

Logan lays L.J back in his incubator, so he could go see Hortense, and give him some love before meeting Erin so they could go home, and be with Ariel

(Henderson house)

"Ariel it's time for bed cause Santa is going to be here soon, and he won't stop if you are still up" Logan tells his daughter who was dressed in her elf on the shelf jammies

"Will you tuck me in daddy?" Ariel asks him

"Of course me and mommy can tuck you in tonight since she is home" he says as they go upstairs to tuck Ariel in, so Santa could come that night

Ariel jumps into her big bed, and Logan and Erin tuck her in

"Night Ariel we love you" they both say to the little girl as they tuck her in her bed

"Night mommy, night daddy love you" Ariel says as she goes to bed

After Ariel was tucked in Logan heads to the hospital, so he could put presents under the babies tree that they had in their rooms at the moment

"I can't wait until all of the babies are home" Erin says as Logan puts on the Santa costume, so he could play Santa for the babies

"Me either I'll be back babe" he says as he leaves to go to the hospital to deliver the babies presents

"i'll be counting the minutes" she says as she goes and gets Ariel's presnts that were hidden away, so she couldn't see what she was getting for Christmas


Logan gets the sack out of the backseat and goes in to deliver the presents to the babies

"Hi Santa Henderson" the nurse says when she sees Logan

"How did you know it was me?" he asks her

"You look the part, so who is going to get their presents first?" the nurse asks him

"Hortense, then L.J and Kristen is going to be last" he says as he looks to see which presents were on top

"Have fun delivering the presents" the nurse tells him

"I will" he says as he goes up to the NICU to deliver the presents to the boys


Logan tip toes into Hortense room, so he doesn't see it was daddy that came to bring him presents to be opened on Christmas

"Bye buddy get better okay" Logan says as he looks at his son that was sleeping peacefully in his incubator

Logan shed some tears cause Hortense was the worst of the twins and he hates to lose one of the boys when he started to get to know them

"Off to deliver L.J's his presents" Logan says as he heads to L.J's room to drop off his presents

L.J was still up

"L.J go to sleep buddy" Logan says as he comes into the room to drop off the presents for his son

L.J just smiles and coos up at his daddy

"Buddy i hate when you do this" Logan tells his son

"Oh Logan L.J can go home cause he was released after you and Erin left the hospital" a nurse tells him

"That's great Erin will be surprised when she sees L.J in the morning" Logan says as he goes out to get L.J's car seat, so he could come home

Logan unwraps one of L.J presents and puts L.J in one of his outfits, so he could come home

"Now to see your sister and then we are going home to see mommy" he says to the baby that was wide awake

Logan lays L.J down, and goes into Kristen's room to drop off her presents before taking his son home, so he could be home for Christmas

"Daddy is so happy that you are coming home with him" Logan says as he puts L.J in his car seat base

L.J coos and let's out some fun noises for his daddy

"Let's go see mommy and get you settled in" Logan says as he closes the door, so he could take L.J home to stay

Logan was on cloud nine the whole way home cause L.J was in the backseat awake and looking around

(Henderson house)

"Erin i'm back" Logan says as he comes into the house with L.J in his arms

"Logan who do you have in your arms?" she asks him

"Come and see for yourself sweetie" he says to Erin as he unwraps L.J, so Erin could see him

"Hi L.J" she says when she sees the little boy that was looking around the room

"Let's get him settled in his room" Logan says as he takes his son upstairs, so he could put Christmas jammies on him

"Yes let's " Erin says as she follows behind Logan

Logan takes the Santa suite off, so he could tend to L.J, and get him ready for bed on that Chritmas eve night

"Ariel is going to be so surprised when she sees L.J in the morning" Erin says looking over Logan's shoulder

"Yeah she will, and I can't wait until the others are home" Logan says as he kisses Erin

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Mery Christmas everyone

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