First stay in Hospital

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"You were so brave princess daddy is very proud of you Anna" he tells her as he continues to hold her in his arms as the blood was taken from her arm to see what was going on with her, and hopefully

Anna nods cause that was still painful, and she didn't want no blood taken from her to see what was going on with her she just wanted to go home and be in her own bed, and not in the hospital in a hospital bed

"Hopefully we get to see what is going on with you princess, and get you all better, so you can come home" he says as he gets up to go to Ariel's room just in case her results were back

Logan was a bundle of nerves cause he wanted to have his daughters all better, and not be sick anymore then what they were, and Anna and Ariel just had a stomach bug that was going around and it wasn't major that was wrong with his girls cause he would do anything to be in their place or take the pain away from them. Logan was glad to see Ariel fast asleep in the hospital bed, and the medicine was working and doing it's magic to get her better once again, so maybe she would not have to have her appendix taken out at all and it will stay in for a little bit longer

"Don't worry Ariel daddy is right here next to you baby doll he isn't going anywhere at all he is staying here with you girls" he says as he sits by her hospital bed and watches as she sleeps peacefully still cause Logan sees that it is getting really late and the little ones are probably tired and they want to go home while Logan stayed at the hospital with the girls to wait on the test results to see what was going on with them, so they could get better and come home

Logan decided to go down and check on Anna to see how she was doing as well, and see if she was asleep from the medicine that the hospital had given her to help with the pain that she was in

"Hey honey" he says when he sees Anna still awake in her hospital room

Anna waves at him cause she was glad to see daddy 

"Feeling any better princess?" he asks her

"A little" Anna says to him

"That's good you are feeling a little better then what you were" he says as he strokes her pretty hair

"I tired daddy" she says to him

"Get some sleep honey I will be in the waiting room with your uncles okay waiting on the results of your blood work that you and your sister had done to see what was going with you" he says to her as she closes her eyes

"Okay" she says as she goes to sleep cause she was tired and sleep was welcomed right about now

"Sleep well Anna I love you" he says as he tucks her in for the night and kisses her good night like he always does

Anna was asleep within minutes and Logan headed out to see the guys since both girls were asleep in their rooms

"Erin took the little ones home" James tells Logan

"That's fine the little ones don't have to be here as long as I have you guys I am good to go" Logan says as he sits with the guys while they wait on the results of the blood work that Ariel and Anna had done to help them get better so they could come home maybe that night hopefully

"We are always here for you Logan, and we will help anyway we can" Carlos says to his former band mate when the nurse came out with the results since the girls were asleep still in their rooms cause it was getting late at night and they needed to get some sleep so they could feel better a little bit, and the medicine was making them sleepy as well

"Yeah if you want we can stay the night with you, and we will be here until those girls are released" Kendall says to Logan as the nurse and the doctor came to them so they cold tell Logan what was going on with the girls, and tell them if they will have to be admitted or not

"That would be nice if you guys could stay with me cause I am a wreck right now with the girls being in this place, and anything could happen to them, and there won't be a thing i could do about it" Logan says as the doctor sits down across from him to tell him what is going on with the girls

"Well Mr. Henderson the girls need to be admitted cause they have a virus that needs to be treated with antibiotics, and we want to monitor them to see if they are going to develop Leukemia cause with both girls they are showing some signs of Leukemia, and we want to make sure that it isn't Leukemia" the doctor says to him as he gives it to Logan straight

Once Logan heard the words that the girls might have Leukemia he immediately lost it cause he would be really lost if the girls had Leukemia cause all of the kids were his world, and he didn't want to lose them at all he loved those girls to the moon and back

"Logan it's okay you can cry on us" Kendall says as he holds his best friend close to him as Logan continued to cry when he heard the words Leukemia

Logan does cry and let's it all go on his best friend shoulder and he didn't want to here those words from the doctor's mouth that the girls might have cancer, and t hey may not make it

"Will they get better?" James asks the doctor as he talks for Logan cause Logan was a wreck right now

"We will have to see right now it is touch and go with the girls to see if they are going to get better and if they are not better we are going to be running all the tests that we can to get them better and back with Mr. Henderson" the doctor says to the guys

"Do whatever you have to do bring in specialists if you have to we have all the money in the world to get these girls better and back on their feet and we are willing to pay for the services that are needed to get them better for our friend" Carlos and Kendall say to the doctor that was before them talking about Anna and Ariel

"How long will they have to be in hospital?" James asks the doctor

"For a couple of days so we can get this thing under control and if you would like you can stay here Mr. Henderson and your friends can stay with you while the girls are here" the doctor says to Logan

"Where is the parents sleeping room at?" Kendall asks the doctor

"The nurse will show you once we get the girls settled in upstairs in their rooms" the doctor says to Logan and the guys

"I want to go up with my girls" Logan says to the doctor with a sniffle

"You may cause the girls are going to be going up there right now" the doctor says to Logan

Logan and the guys get up and head to where the girls were at so they could go up with the girls to help them get settled in for the night

V & C

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